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Little Jack Russel :(


Wise Old Thumper
We saw you on the side of the road just after you'd been ran over by a distraught lady, who stood no chance of missing you :(
I saw you move and rushed over to help but you were already unconscious and leaving us. I felt your last heart beats and stroked you as you died :cry:
The lady and her friend have taken you to your mummy, you looked very well looked after, I think somebody is going to be distraught :cry:

Sweet dreams little one xxxxxxxxxxxx
aww no, Ive got a jack Russell - Id be devestated if it was mine - his poor mummy, poor doggie and I also feel for the woman that ran him over... run free :cry:
Poor lil Chap! I am currently being squashed by two JRTs.

Run free lil fella. Plenty of cats to chase at the bridge xx
Sleep tight little dog, I'm so glad you were comforted and had company as you left this world.