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Iris's uterus don't look if squeemish

Hello Iris :D
Sorry I cant look at the piccie of what your Vet took out of your tum yesterday. Just wanted to say I am Soooooooo pleased you got through the op' and I hope you'll get well VERY soon.
Must've been a big op for you, but better out than in as far as that uter-thing is concerned!!
Hmmmmm, hope I've not got one :? :shock:
Love and Snuggles
a squeamish Old Bill!!

ooooooooooh myyyyyyyyyyyyy goooooooood my maltloaf aint so tasty any more! :lol: :lol:

so glad your girl is ok :love:
Poor Iris - I'm so glad she's OK.

This is the reason ARC get ALL rabbits spayed whatever their age - in fact it is more important the older they get.
Working at the vets I can say I have seen with my own eyes that all buns over the age of 4 have some tumour or infection, lots have something aged 2 and we saw a huge tumour in a one year old last week - luckily it hadn't spread but unfortunately sometimes it has.
As our surgery sees a lot more rabbits than most we see a LOT of deaths caused by not spaying.
Aww thanks Guys and thanks Old Bill, Jill you weren't to know this would happen and it's oput now and Iris is doing well. She is now however half the size that she was!!!! :shock: Her tum doesn't hit the floor anymore and it's no wonder!!! I shall take some pics of the lovely lady tonight if she is feeling a little better XX

The best of it is she only has 3 stitches!!!! :D The hole that hazel got that out of is tiny! And My old lady is stretching out and lying around with feet stretched back for the first time since i've had her so i would say she's much more comfy!! :D
donna-arc said:
Poor Iris - I'm so glad she's OK.

This is the reason ARC get ALL rabbits spayed whatever their age - in fact it is more important the older they get.
Working at the vets I can say I have seen with my own eyes that all buns over the age of 4 have some tumour or infection, lots have something aged 2 and we saw a huge tumour in a one year old last week - luckily it hadn't spread but unfortunately sometimes it has.
As our surgery sees a lot more rabbits than most we see a LOT of deaths caused by not spaying.

the scariest thing with this Janice is that this huge thing wasn't cancerous, it wouldn't have killed her by being cancerous, It woud however have continued to fill with fluid and eventually burst. Im just so glad it's out!!!
Well I can safely say I've never seen a rabbit uterus before!! You're not going to eat it are you, like some people do with placentas!! :shock: :lol:

No wonder Iris is feeling better now! Glad she's doing well.

Amethyst said:
Well I can safely say I've never seen a rabbit uterus before!! You're not going to eat it are you, like some people do with placentas!! :shock: :lol:

No wonder Iris is feeling better now! Glad she's doing well.


Ewwwwwwww no!!!!!!!!!! yuck i can't even imagine!!!!!!
Estelle said:
ewww! I had to look though :shock: :lol: Which bit is the uterine horn? :? :?

Basically, if I'm right, the bit that looks like beads is one uterine horn (that isn't swollen), and ALL the rest of the big puffy bit is the other, swollen uterine horn! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Amethyst said:
Estelle said:
ewww! I had to look though :shock: :lol: Which bit is the uterine horn? :? :?

Basically, if I'm right, the bit that looks like beads is one uterine horn (that isn't swollen), and ALL the rest of the big puffy bit is the other, swollen uterine horn! :shock: :shock: :shock:


Yep Amythist is corect!
That's INSANE, isn't it?!! I'm so glad both my girlies were spayed as soon as they could be!

Amethyst said:
Phill said:
It is insane!! It's massive! It was half the size of iris!

:shock: :shock: No wonder she's feeling better now!!! :shock: :shock:


I know i would have hate dthat to be inside me! YUCK! Im just gald we found it before it exploded!
Amazing pics Phill - not surprising Iris was off colour then really :shock: Hope shes comtinuing to get well Phillxx
Thanks guys! I think it's shocked everyone just how big it is! It even shocked the vet!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock: like everyone else am shocked and amazed at the size!!

Shes definitely better off without it and its a good job its now out as dread to think what would have happened if it had burst.

Hope shes feeling better today.

Deb x