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I'm not sure about using Science Selective anymore ...


Wise Old Thumper
I've currently got Archie & Blanche on Science Selective and Leo & Lois on Excel. I'm trying to find one food that they can all be on as it's a right pain having two different types and having to order one online etc.

I've noticed that although A&B eat their food with a lot more gusto and LOVE their SS pellets, their fur doesn't seem as silky and shiny as the other two. They all have exactly the same diets the only difference being the pellets. I guess it could be just the fact that they're all different breeds but A&B USED to have really silky coats when they were younger (although age/winter coats I guess could be a factor as well?).

After reading a thread about Excel having, apparently, animal traces in it, I'm not too sure I want to keep L&L on that anyway. Even if I did, Archie can't have it because it's too rich and gives him a mucky bum.

So my question is what food would you recommend in this circumstance. I'm poised to order today :)

I have had a look at Bunny Basics and as much as I love my guys I don't know if I can quite justify that cost :oops:
The difference in pellets could be the factor in the coat difference but if it is then swapping isn't necessarily the only solution. Perhaps a little alfalfa hay or ready grass or even a few extra veggies would give the same effect. It sounds like as a base SS suits more of your bunnies.

Babies have a softer cost but it should still look shinny when in perfect condition. Scamp's looking pretty rough at the moment with a moult. Spring just after the moult is usuall when the look best I think.
Burgess don't actually put animal by products in their rabbit food, but Excel is produced at a plant that also makes other feeds for other animals which do eat 'meat', therfore cross contamination is always a possibility. There have been a number of allegations made over the years whereby reports have been made that 'meat traces' have been found in packs of rabbit food.

Competitors who make other brands of 'rabbit food' may have taken advantage of hyping up this information to encourage people to review what the rabbit food that they choose to purchase for their pets.
Since I've stopped pellets altogether, Louie's coat seems to have got even softer and silkier plus he seems to have much more energy!

Could just be coincidence though!
I have had a look at Bunny Basics and as much as I love my guys I don't know if I can quite justify that cost :oops:

It does seem expensive compared to the other brands, BUT, I ordered my first bag back in August... and am only just coming to the end of it!!

Admittedly, I do only have two rabbits, and a couple of weeks was the switching over process so they got less then than they do now, but they get a handful between them everyday now, and there's still some left!

Also, I didn't notice a drop in condition when my two were on SS before the Bunny Basics, the only reason I swapped was because the BB is made from Timothy hay not Alfalfa. If I was to be short of money at some point in the future, I would definitely swap back to SS.
It does seem expensive compared to the other brands, BUT, I ordered my first bag back in August... and am only just coming to the end of it!!

Admittedly, I do only have two rabbits, and a couple of weeks was the switching over process so they got less then than they do now, but they get a handful between them everyday now, and there's still some left!

Also, I didn't notice a drop in condition when my two were on SS before the Bunny Basics, the only reason I swapped was because the BB is made from Timothy hay not Alfalfa. If I was to be short of money at some point in the future, I would definitely swap back to SS.

I agree it does last a long time and I am using it for 5 rabbits. I also use SS for foster bun and half bunny basics and ss for Merlin and Wesley and their coats are good.
I tried A&P instead of Oxbow and their coats went dull. Soon moved them back to Oxbow and they now have lovely shiny coats and golden poops.:D
I feed a mixture of A&P, SS and Excel and all of mine have pretty nice coats...If in doubt hedge your bets and feed all three! :lol:
I feed Oxbow mainly...but the treatball has excel...as they used to be on that...will gradually change those to SS...but continue to use both in case I cant get Oxbow ....of course to be able to not use pellets & provide an all round natural diet would be great but Im worried I would not give enought variation of nutrients....:D

I did find that Indiana gained a little weight on Oxbow which was great as she struggled on Excel with messy bum & was skinny.:D