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I have a bonded 6!!! with Piccies

Awwwwwwww, how cute is that, six buns all happily hopping around together :D Well done Phill on getting them to live in harmony together :thumb:
thanks guys XXx

Eve, the Agouti is Agi and yes Kay she is enormous!!! i never thought i would have a bun bigger than Pan (Old English) but She is the same size and i think she has a bit more growing to do!!! :lol:

Jack looks very funny at the mo as he is moulting so he looks like he's wearing a saddle! His fur is a funny colour to, it's kinda white with little flecks of black all over it! nothing like his winter coat at all!
Bunnylove, I have a female Agouti looking for a new home she is lovely.

doesnt everybody kay :roll: :shock: :D
me thinks "i must stop saying on open forum what rabbits i think are cute, because the horrible members try to encourage me to take more!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wonderful photos Phill and you have done a great job...so happy babies
