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French Lops

Here are my two french lops,they are 18 wek old sisters but still quite small:shock:
Hi I have just bought a french lop rabbit hes about 15 weeks old. I am really interested in seeing your pics of yours and if you could put how old they are that would be good. I was wondering how big he will get to be. He is a house bunny so size isnt an issue.


Do you know what he weighs? My two are about five pounds and seem quite small still x
Do you know what he weighs? My two are about five pounds and seem quite small still x

Same as Ruby. 3kg, possibly slightly more. (8.8lbs) They are large for their age, but you said your breeder wasn't very good...so they might not have had the best start. Just keep feeding them lots and I'm sure their weight will start to rise very quickly!:D
Same as Ruby. 3kg, possibly slightly more. (8.8lbs) They are large for their age, but you said your breeder wasn't very good...so they might not have had the best start. Just keep feeding them lots and I'm sure their weight will start to rise very quickly!:D

They are eating me out of house and home already so no problems there:D
Hi, :wave: I want to send you a pic of my french lop Phoebe, but I'm new to the forum and can't work out how to upload pics:?, can anyone help me? thanks.
Hi, :wave: I want to send you a pic of my french lop Phoebe, but I'm new to the forum and can't work out how to upload pics:?, can anyone help me? thanks.

Hiya, welcome to RU :wave:

You need to upload your pics to photobucket & then copy the IMG link onto the thread :) Look forward to seeing them :)
yay another excuse to put pictures up of my big boy.

this is Bramble at 10 weeks old


These are Bramble aged 6 months old.



He is now 10 months old and really need to get some new photos on here. Tried to get some of him today but he just wanted to play in the frosty grass then sit and look handsome as normal. I can't get over how much he looks like Teddy.

This is Darwin, my soppy frenchie :love:, he's about 4.5 kg but he's only one so he's got a bit of growing to do yet.



Aww wow they are all gorgeous thanks guys keep the pics coming. I love seeing them. George is 12 weeks old and seems to still have a baby face. He looks very clumsy do they lose this or is this a French Lop thing? He loves chucking himself into his litter tray and rolling in it on his back. Hes crazy. I just tried to weigh him on my bathroom scales but they wont register hes too light lol. When he had his mixi jab at 9 weeks old he weight 2.2kgs is this good at that age? My 6 month old mini lop is 2.5kgs lol.
2.2kg at 9 weeks is a very good weight!! He'll be rather large!:shock: Being clumsy is a Frenchie thing...it'll get worse as he gets older! :lol::lol: Have you seen if his plums have dropped yet? He's probably old enough to be "done".

He's beautiful! :love::love:
Just rang the vets to book him in for his VHD jab and asked his weight on the last visit at 9 weeks old and he was 2.02kgs is that as good
Just rang the vets to book him in for his VHD jab and asked his weight on the last visit at 9 weeks old and he was 2.02kgs is that as good

Yeah!! That's really good!!:wave::wave: He's going to rival Ted's size I'd bet!:shock::D