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French Lops

ME!!! :wave::wave::wave:

...I have no idea if I actually have...but I'll hazard a guess! Anyone have an advance on 7kg.

As on inches...I have no idea...but he more than fills a large door frame.

Teddy is bigger than Lolly, shes around 6kg, shes off to the vets for his jabs wednesday so will get her exact weight, last time she was 6.2kg :love:

I love my giants :love::love:
He weighs 2.61kgs :shock:
Already bigger than my 8 month old lionhead x lop lol

Thats .3kgs in 3 weeks. So hes averaging .1kg per week

:lol::lol::lol:...welcome to Frenchidom! He will slow down...but it's amazing how much they grow in the first months!!:shock: They don't stay small for long!
so are your f.lops as lazy as mine. he sleeps so much

My Teddy's quite active actually but i dont know whether its because he's not used to so much room after living in a tiny hutch and finds it exciting? He does sleep more than my others though.
Heres my two boys Robbie and Thumper I must admit I agree Frenchies are the best rabbits you can have and I have 10 Rabbits



them both in there caravan where they live

My two are seven months old and 2.5kg at the moment... both have been ill and dropped, Faith used to be 3.5kg but apparently she's okay, so perhaps it was just being separated from Hope who had been with her from the start.

They seem quite big to me, weight wise, but I had lionheads before so that's probably a perspective issue. :lol:

I was told they were French Lops from the lady I rescued them from, but I'm not convinced, and other people on here think they may be crossed with another lop breed.



Length wise, probably around 2.5ft long - the hutch that's there for them to hide in is 4ft and they take up just over half of it flopping. :lol:
Yay!! Excuses to put mine up!! Teddy is a 7 kilo hulk, and is probably just about fully grown now (although might bulk out a bit more)!! Ruby is about 3 kg and only 4 months old :shock:! She'll probably rival Teddy for Size.


That step is just over a foot long.


He now takes up more of the doorway!


(I have small feet....but he is BEEG!)


Both of them together


Ruby and her big bum

Frenchies are known as the gentle Giants of the bunny world. They are the most amazing buns!! I've never heard of a nasty one (not that any buns are nasty ;))

george weight 3.23kgs yesterday and he is 4 months old on 10th feb :shock:
The vet wasnt very well up on french lops though. He thought he would only get to just over 4kgs aqnd only had 2 month left of growing.
Dont they grow till 15months old?