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Flower is missing

Littlebun (Felix from SGP) did the very same thing to me the other day. He and Princess Carmamel were out in garden enjoying sunshine.. next thing , couldn't see him. Discovered an enormous trench behind wheelie bin, out onto back alley.... panicked and got very distraught. Searched and no sign.Went out later and he was back as if to say "problem?" He is now a prisoner until I am happy the hole is secure. My garden was very rabbit proof until..... Littlebun! Its such a shame cos you want to give them freedom and then they do this! He can dig out of the run so that is no use.... he just ends up high tailing it round the garden binkying! I dunno... love em don't you? x
glad you got your baby back

my fifi does the same all the time

she is a master of squeezing behind things that you would never believe a rabbit could squeeze behind

my friend charley was looking after the rabbits for me last year and she was frantic when she couldn't find fifi...as fifi had hidden behind a plank of wood that was "flush" against the wall

also, little did I know there was a hole in my wooden fence that was being exploited by fifi every day for over 2 weeks...she would take off around the neighbourhood almost as soon as I had left for work, but be back for evening feeding time...leaving poor scatty on her own most of the day

I only found out about her escapes when I was running late one morning and she slipped out whilst I was still there...whilst chasing after her, I ran into a neighbour, who told me they had seen the white rabbit every day for a fortnight, and wondered where it had come from

Hi Flo, have been away for a few days and came onto to Rabbit Chat to specifically find out what happened to Flower.

Am delighted for you!

Fiona x