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Excel Junior & Dwarf


Warren Veteran
Is the Burgess Excel Junior & Dwarf food really that different to the adult rabbit version? When I dropped Pipkin off for a dental a few days ago, when I said what food he was on the vet asked whether it was the junior and dwarf version and seemed surprised when I said no.

Pipkin does struggle to keep weight on, especially now he's getting a bit older, so I was wondering whether it might be worth switching. Looking at the composition there doesn't seem to be that much difference between the adult and dwarf version though. :?

Does anyone have any experience switching, or use the junior and dwarf version for their own bunnies?
The junior has slightly higher protein, so if your bun struggles with weight (not uncommon in older bunnies) then it would be a good option for him :)
Thanks Tamsin! His tooth roots are playing up at the moment so I think I'll wait until he's recovered from that and then try mixing a few of the dwarf pellets in. Do you think it would be better to feed them half and half rather than switching completely over? Ruby will be eating the same food so I don't want her to gain too much weight, she's a perfect weight at the moment.
Mine don't like the adult version and will just not eat it. They all love the junior and dwarf so I am now left with a bag of adult.

I thought about changing them as they are quite big buns now but it hasn't worked so there must be some difference in taste as well.
Mine don't like the adult version and will just not eat it. They all love the junior and dwarf so I am now left with a bag of adult.

I thought about changing them as they are quite big buns now but it hasn't worked so there must be some difference in taste as well.

My previous bun didn't like adult either, but he would eat the stuff with added oregano and he also liked the mature version.
Mine love their adult pellets so I hope they'll take to the junior & dwarf. They'll both eat pretty much anything so hopefully it won't be a problem.
Mixing it would be fine :) You could start that way and see how that effects his weight. If you still find he's under, you could always hand feed part of their daily ration and slip him the junior and her the adult ;)