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Casper & Sophie Photo Delivery

I've just sat and caught up with a few days worth of photos I've missed somehow :D your bunnies are just gorgeous, and have such an enriched life, I just love their new toys, especially the carroty one :lol:
I literally just remembered we were walking the other day and a load of trees had been de-barked around the bases! Some new, some old (how some survived we didn't know!). Vampire bunnies?!
It's definitely vampire bunnies! There's nothing else it could be!

I've just sat and caught up with a few days worth of photos I've missed somehow :D your bunnies are just gorgeous, and have such an enriched life, I just love their new toys, especially the carroty one :lol:
Aww, thank you, that's so kind of you to say. :love: I really like the carroty toy, too. :lol:
Today was weekly check up day. Casper went first:



Casper's moulting a little, so quite a bit of hair came off him, as you can see in Sophie's photos:



Sophie's moulting a bit as well, but I had to stop brushing her halfway because she became staticky and kept getting little shocks, poor girl. :( The air inside is really dry, even though the heating isn't on. It can't be good for them, but I don't know how to fix it aside from buying an expensive humidifier. :?
They are lovely. Checks all good?
To increase the humidity I'd just buy a cheap spray plastic bottle, fill with water & mist the air regularly
They are lovely. Checks all good?
To increase the humidity I'd just buy a cheap spray plastic bottle, fill with water & mist the air regularly
Casper's all fine, but Sophie's front paws are a tiny bit dirty as if she's been wiping her nose, so I'll keep an eye on that, and she had some poo stuck to her bottom but wouldn't let me clean it, so hopefully she'll clean it herself.
Ooh, I'll try that, thank you.
If the air misting doesn't work, just leaving jars of water around works. Or get more plants :lol: Years ago you could get these things you filled with water to hang over/off radiators but I suspect you don't have radiators that they would work over!
If the air misting doesn't work, just leaving jars of water around works. Or get more plants :lol: Years ago you could get these things you filled with water to hang over/off radiators but I suspect you don't have radiators that they would work over!
Ooh, I'll try the jar thing, too, thank you! I do have a reasonable amount of plants already, but I prefer succulents, and I don't water those in winter, so they're as dry as everything else. :lol: I remember those radiator thingies from my grandparents' house. I think they would actually fit over my radiators...

Lovely pics and aren't they good to just sit there while you check them :shock::love:
Thank you. :love: They're very good about letting me do my thing every week. :love:
I don't know why the title changed, but I managed to change it back! Though I couldn't precisely recall what it was called before. :?

Today Sophie and Casper got some new stuff delivered:


It's a big self-heating dog blanket, a new second litter tray, and a cutting board. The blanket I got after CarelessSquid suggested it for Sophie and it seemed like a good idea! I'm planning on taking out the self-heating part and cutting it into three pieces and putting one part under the rug in the living room where they like to sleep, and one part in the gymnastics mat under Sophie's favourite house, and the third one somewhere else, so she'll have several places to be warm.

The second litter tray is needed because Casper still chases Sophie out of theirs if he's in there, and they haven't used the dog bed litter tray at all, since I guess it's too small... Sophie already approves of it, I think!


The cutting board (of untreated maple wood) I will make into a toy, if my dad and his power tools will help me. ;)
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Woow these are great, I want to buy everything I see in you. Soon my husband will be mad at you for that, I keep saying "a reader of books bought this, it's great, let's get it too" :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh awesome and lovely buns [emoji7]

I see you have a toilet chaser as well. Rodney does not share either lol.

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Oh awesome and lovely buns [emoji7]

I see you have a toilet chaser as well. Rodney does not share either lol.

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Thank you. :love:

Tsk, these boys. :lol: With Casper it's not even that he's possessive of the litter tray, but he doesn't want to share the hay. Both Casper and Sophie are terrible when it comes to sharing food. I'm constantly telling them to be nice and share, but they won't listen. :lol:
Chibbs forces Barrie to share litter trays :lol: He used to chase her out when he first got here and she didn't know what to do with him but she got her personality on :lol:

dollyanna replied to my thread about the thermal-self-heating type blankets and there are, indeed, some beds and mattresses in my local (ish) B&M but they don't have washing instructions so I dunno if I'm going to bother. I do want to make them a winter cover for the windowsill though so they can self-heat up there :) The same physics keeps snugglesafes warm for ages too when i put them on the reflective stuff.

I also need to dig out the power tools (specifically my mate's wood router thingy and his drill which I can speed regulate, mine only has one speed!) but for my two wooden desks so I can put the PCs in them properly! Probably a job for next month TBH. I look forward to being inspired by your (dad's :lol: ;P) handiwork!
What thoughtful presents for your lovely buns. I look forward to seeing wooden toys you create.
Thank you. :love: I'll post a picture when it's done!

Chibbs forces Barrie to share litter trays :lol: He used to chase her out when he first got here and she didn't know what to do with him but she got her personality on :lol:

dollyanna replied to my thread about the thermal-self-heating type blankets and there are, indeed, some beds and mattresses in my local (ish) B&M but they don't have washing instructions so I dunno if I'm going to bother. I do want to make them a winter cover for the windowsill though so they can self-heat up there :) The same physics keeps snugglesafes warm for ages too when i put them on the reflective stuff.

I also need to dig out the power tools (specifically my mate's wood router thingy and his drill which I can speed regulate, mine only has one speed!) but for my two wooden desks so I can put the PCs in them properly! Probably a job for next month TBH. I look forward to being inspired by your (dad's :lol: ;P) handiwork!
Well done, Chibbs. Don't let him chase you out! :lol:

Yeah, I'm not sure how you're supposed to wash them? Mine just says you need to take the self-heating layer out before you wash it, but how do you wash the self-heating layer? :lol: Making them a winter cover for the windowsill sounds like it would be really nice for them. :)

Good luck with the power tools! Power tools kind of scare me (so loud!), that's why I ask my dad do everything instead of getting my own. :lol:
My dad and I finished their new toy! By which I mean that I supplied the materials and the idea and my dad did all the actual work. :lol: It's a spinning wheel for veggies:


Excuse the mess. I haven't had the energy so sweep up all the hay in a while!

My dad seemed to like having a project to work on, so maybe I should ask him to make more stuff for Sophie and Casper... :lol:
My dad and I finished their new toy! By which I mean that I supplied the materials and the idea and my dad did all the actual work. :lol: It's a spinning wheel for veggies:


Excuse the mess. I haven't had the energy so sweep up all the hay in a while!

My dad seemed to like having a project to work on, so maybe I should ask him to make more stuff for Sophie and Casper... :lol:

That is brilliant. I love the pegs :love: Yeah definitely give your dad more rabbit related things to make - for his benefit of course ;) I've got to say when my dad was able he made me lots of nice things for me & my rabbits - he made a fab kennel for ralph & a huge lidded digging box for Noodle & Myrtle .