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Warren Veteran
Remember that little bunny I adopted from you last Septmember? Bobby, the little "Shy yet cheeky" one??
Well, now, he's just cheeky. Very cheeky.
Look what I caught the little horror doing last night...

Yes... That is a box of breadsticks. :roll:
Nibbles got IN the same box earlier. Half her body was in it. All the way up to the black bit on her back. Safe to say, she got stuck and I had to rescue her :roll:
Hi Auntie Angie!
Mum told me I should tell you how I'm doing.

Mum lets me eat lots of lovely hay. She says that I cost her a small fortume in it. But I don't care because I don't pay for it. She also says that I have to stop eating my toys, as she'd really love it, if a toy lasted longer than 4 days.

She took me out for a walk on the lead the other day round the garden and I got a little bit to exited and binkied quite high and got myself all wrapped up in my own lead. Mum said I was a silly rabbit, but I think I'm quite smart. I got quite scared though, so Mum gave me a big cuddle and a banana chip, but shhhh, Nibbles isn't allowed to know I got an extra treat. :lol:

Mum said we're moving house soon, and I'm going to have a nice really big grassy garden to play in, but only when Mum's around and I'll have to be on the lead if I'm on the grass because the ground is soft and I can't be trusted as I love to dig. Mum says I can't dig up the garden because the people who own it, have just spent a lot of money making it look nice and I'm not allowed to ruin it. I'm allowed on the concrete though!

Anyways, there is a big dish of cauliflower and spinach with my name on, and Nibbles looks hungry too. MY SPINACH!!

Love Bobby x

P.S. *Nudge*