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BOBTAILS TO BIRMINGHAM - pretty please with cherry on top

I cant believe how much hay they have eaten

They do seem rather keen on their grub don't they! Wait til you see the size of what pops out the other end.


Now there's something for me to look forward to.

lol Pam
I Think it will about 11is when the boys all roll up.

Frank felt sorry for them so he has stopped off en-route at a friends so the buns can have a couple of hours hop about - I think he also stopped so he could get some tea :roll: .

I have made their bed, put out a BIG pile of hay, grated some carrot, made up a couple of litter trays, put out a few toys, chopped some greens and made Kim & Aggie look presentable - not that I am excited or anything :lol: :lol:

Funtime Frankie says they are really sweet and very cuddly.

I will let you all know when they get here...if it is not really really late.

lol Pam
kimbun's mum said:
I Think it will about 11is when the boys all roll up.

I will let you all know when they get here...if it is not really really late.

lol Pam
You still post it anyway for us insomniacs that are awake at half 3 in the morning!!!!! Wish I was a fly on the wall to see your face when you finally meet these 2 darlings xx