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Binky free BEar and introduce little Hansel to the other RB buns.

Us 2 foots cannot help but grieve for them.

I wish I lived closer to be able to dleiver hugs in person but you are both in my thoughts and prayers and I hope all the Bunnies are good for you today.
I am sure they miss both Bear and Hansel too.
I am so sorry Adele he was one special bunny and the piccies with his favourite teddys always made me smile!

Thanks once again for your beautiful messages :)
Life is not the same without Bear, but each time I think of him I smile as he had the most amazing ears, slightly wonky tail, and most stunning huge brown eyes.....I picture him as in his photo cuddled up to his favourite teddy, and that is a lovely memory to hold on to :)
Love Adele XX
So sorry to hear about Bear. He died just a few hours before my Lancelot died on the same day. Let's hope they found each other and had some fun going over the bridge!
I'm so glad that you posted that link Julie - I thought for a while that I was going madder than I am :shock: I knew Bear hadn't been there for three years but couldn't find the post.
I knew he came the same year as our beautiful Muffin from CARROT - only we didn't even have her for 18 months :(
Poor Bear, at least he had 18 months with his wonderful girlfreinds, he had a harem :)

Towsbuns said:
Here's a link to the day Bear arrived at Adele's - a lovely boy.
So very sorry Adele :cry: :cry: I too remember when Bear arrived with you. My thoughts are with you.

Binky free Bear.xx
Awwwwwww Adele what a horrible time you are having, my thoughts and love are with you :love: :love: :love: :love:

Binky Free Bear :love: :love: :love: :love:
only just read your post Adele. I try not to read rainbow bridge cos it makes me cry...guess what i'm crying... so sorry to hear of your loos, i know how upset you are and how much you love your bunnies!
thinking of you
love lisa and the buns