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APPARENTLY Dwight doesn't fit in his cage...

Those pics really are VERY cute :love: HOWEVER - I am going to be the stick in the mud - spoil sport and add a note of caution - sorry but I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened...

Its very easy for a bunny to be startled and get caught in wire enclosures, I have heard of it several times, broken limbs and today I heard of a fatality :cry:

Please feel free to hate me for being a pessimist but, do attach some chicken wire to stop those little feet from creeping out.

Those pics really are VERY cute :love: HOWEVER - I am going to be the stick in the mud - spoil sport and add a note of caution - sorry but I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened...

Its very easy for a bunny to be startled and get caught in wire enclosures, I have heard of it several times, broken limbs and today I heard of a fatality :cry:

Please feel free to hate me for being a pessimist but, do attach some chicken wire to stop those little feet from creeping out.


Don't worry this was a one time thing, thats why I took the pictures. normally he does not lay in that direction. In the photos his feet look much larger than the wire opening, but he has very fluffy feet and the wire openings seem small in that picture, so I cannot foresee him getting stuck if he is shocked. Thanks for your concern. :)
Bunny tootsies :love::love::love:

Its funny how people can see a pic of a bunny bum of feet and be like "awright ok" but people on RU think its so cute and go "Awwww" :lol:
Its weird i love seeing bunny tootsies and bums and big bunny bellies :oops:
I love that cute little bottom!!:love:

I think dwight would be embarrassed to know that his rabbit bum is viewed on the internet! :rabbit2::rabbit2: