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Any spare vibes for Libby please? jaw abscess u/d p124 Now Teddy has one!!

Good news indeed. :) It's also good that she can be near her firends :love:, even if it is not quite as near as she would like.
I am so pleased to hear that she is doing so well now, you have done a brilliant job with her, thinking of you both
Sadly today isn't a good day for Libby :cry: The abscess has swelled back up & whilst cleaning it for her, a lot more puss has come out - it looks awful :cry: Poor sweetheart is so good & just lets me do what I need to, but it looks very painful for her :cry:

I can't believe how things can change overnight :cry: Bloody abscesses - I loathe them with a passion :evil:

We're back at the vets tomorrow for another check up & see where we go from here.

Please keep those vibes coming for Libby, I've got a horrible feeling this is going to be harder to deal with than we first hoped :cry:
Oh no, I am so sorry Denise, I hate them too!, please keep positive for her and we are sending you massive vibes and hugs, please keep us updated

Thinking of you both x
Sorry poor Libby is not so well today. :( Lots more vibes coming from her for her, bless her for being such a good patient. :love::wave:
Thanks guys - am trying to stay positive but it's very hard :(

Will see what tomorrow brings when we're back at the vets & keep on helping Libby fight. I guess it's early days yet & I need to keep thinking what we went through with Nala & that she recovered.
Oh Denise, I'm so sorry there's been a setback. :( Sending lots more vibes for Libby. xx
I haven't read the whole thread but I just wanted to give some possible advice. Grim had two jaw abscesses and I was advised to put him to sleep. I didn't give up and I went to a new vet who was just amazing. He had 0.6ml depocillin injections once every three days for eight weeks and that worked amazingly for him. I know it's not the same for every rabbit and I don't know if you have tried this as I haven't read the whole thread but just thought I'd let you know.

Also there is a procedure where they put antibiotic beads in the abscess which suppresses it for about a year I think. I read up on it a year ago when it happened to Grim but my vet advised on the injections as the abscesses were where his incisor roots were (he had them removed) and it would be difficult to get the beads right in there without causing more damage...

Good luck, it's so horrible. :(