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2010 End of Year Candle Ceremony

Little Miss Hammond :(

(Coco) Pop :(

Miss you both xoxox
Sending, love and hugs to all who have lost a special friend. In 2009 I lost my beloved Mum and my Angel Bunny Gabriel.

May all our tears just be a reminder that we were priviledged to love and be loved.

God Bless xxx
I haven't lost a bunny yet but this thread has broken my heart. All these beautiful innocent loving bunnies. Why can't they live longer or forever. I will be lighting a candle for all of them.
Merry Christmas to my two beautiful soul mates, who I miss every day.

I still can't do a tribute to them because I miss them so much

Thinking of everyone who has lost a furry or family/friends.

Remembering Gambit 1995 - 30th June 2010. We still miss you very much and think of you very often.


Thinking of everyone who has lost someone special.
Lovely of you to do this Jack's Jane xxx Thinking of everyone elses rainbow bridge pets and remembering Ginny, my lovely guinea pig. I do not have a candle to light you but I will be lighting one in my mind and heart xxx Miss you Ginny xx

I don't have many pics of her on the computer but here's a picture of a photo of her.


And in her temporary run with Lima, also at the bridge


I will light my candle for Nibbles the little white bun in my signature. I lost her to EC & found RU not long afterwards

Rosie to whom Ive paid tribute o the Rainbow Bridge thread she was only 3 1/2 years old

& the little hamster I took in this year after some evil woman threw her & her siblings (in their cages) out of her house

Rest in peace all of you. xxx

Just remembering beautiful Little Dot. She was with us for only ten weeks and it's now nearly eleven weeks since she left us.

Thinking of everyone who has had losses, especially those of you with multiple losses, reading some of the posts has had me in tears, it's been an incredibly hard year for some :cry::cry::cry:
I do not have a candle to light, but I am lighting one in my mind and heart xxx
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Binky Free Wispa and Zola, i've missed you ever since you went to live with Kayj but am so grateful to her for the life that she gave you.

Wispa - you were such a stroppy madam and then fell head over heels for Zola when we got him for you, never leaving his side.
Zola - you were the best snuggle bunny anyone could ever ask for, stubborn as a mule but a great lover of attention!
My candle is lit for my little Mina, and for all the other buns, other pets, and humans that have been lost here. My heart goes out to you all, and I deeply thank those of you who are here to show your love and support. xxx