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2010 End of Year Candle Ceremony

I'll be lighting one for Firefly, my handsome buck who was only three years old when he passed away, he should still be with us now :cry: I'll miss you forever my handsome egotistical loony, we had good times jumping about binkying together in the kitchen, even if it did make me look nuts, and snuggling up together in the evenings. I'll never forget the sight of you happily bouncing towards me, binkying up the hallway in joy when I came home from college, you leapt straight into my arms like a puppy so happy I was back.

I'll be putting sprouts on your garden grave this Christmas day. You saw yourself as a fearce proud beast, and loved lording yourself around. If there is an afterlife, I imagine you in Valhalla, living it up with the vikings :lol:



I'll also be lighting a candle for every other lost bun on here, like Eddie, Rosie and our Big Beautiful Girl.
I don't have any bridge bunnies but will be thinking of you all and will watch the thread on the night 1)for all the bridge bunnies and 2) I've never experienced the ceromony. I'm sure it will be very sad and touching.
I just wanted to say that this is such a lovely idea, and although I haven't lost a bun myself my thoughts are with all of you that have and I will be with you at 8pm to celebrate the lives of your buns and remember them through your pictures and stories xx
i'll be lighting a candle for my little Hopper who I lost in June shortly after finding him his new partner Marshmallow.



I will light my candle tomorrow as I remember the 6 Rabbits whom I lost this year :cry:







A page in the book of memory,
Quietly turns today.
I remember you in silence,
And make no outward show.
And what it meant to lose you,
No one will ever know.

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I am lucky in that I dont have any bridge bunnies but looking back at those we have lost is just heart breaking :(
my one and only angel :cry: :cry: 8 months and two weeks and still feels like yesterday :cry: thank you so much Hopper Haven for letting me share a tiny chunk of my life with Pearl :love:

she loved her food so much

even when she was poorly she was beautiful in looks and spirit :love:

miss my heart bunny :cry:
I'll be lighting a candle for Buttercup, my gorgeous girl who was pts on 27th December 2009, aged 6, and buried in the garden with the Christmas presents she was too ill to enjoy :cry:.
Remembering Alfie our Fat Fluffs foster bun who we were privelidged to care for for 18 months.. He was such a wonderful little bunny and certainly left his mark on our family.. we miss you little one xx


I will be remebering Shaun who left us just last wednesday.
I will miss you everyday boy, I still cant believe your gone. I am sorry you never got to see a christmas, or have a birthday, but it feels as if you had been with me for years.


I shall be remembering our bunnies that passed to the bridge this year, along with all of our other bunnies & cats that we have previously lost :cry:

Eve - 29th March 2010


Mimi - 4th April 2010


Amelia - 13th August 2010


Mummy & Daddy miss you all so, so much but hope you are all having fun at the bridge. Love you all forever sweethearts xxxx

Thinking of everyone who has lost a special friend in 2010 or in previous years xxxx
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remembering my furry family sophie dog ,bouncer dog, abby cat ,thomas cat , sadie cat , poppy rabbit some have been gone for a while we still miss you :cry:
We will be remembering the rescue rabbits who died in our care this year:


Mystic, who was special to me



Waffle, our beautiful permanent resident


And my beautiful Echo who I lost New Years Day this year

Autumn, who I lost last November 8th

Starlight, the bun who started me off in saving many more
I've lost so many of my babies this year and it hurts so much still, I am constently having a good cry over them :cry:

Maisie the sweetest bun, one of my house buns, I adopted her in 2005 from the RSPCA,

Ernie, my little pig, he lived with Bert and although he had been ill it was still a shock.

Holly, OMG what can I say, other than I adored her, she was the biggest fuss pot ever, she was a stray and had her in 2005,

Bramble (she's in my siggie), she was a bunnies bunny, but I still loved her even if she wasn't keen on me, I fostered her from 2005 for Kirby

and Beatrix, well what can I say, she started all this, from a garden centre in 2003, she was the everything to me, still can't get over she has gone.

It's been a hard year on my buns :cry:
I will post pics of them, but find it hard to even type their names :cry:, can't face pics :(
This thread has brought a lump to my throat :cry: I would like to remember all the bunnies on this thread, but especially I will be thinking of:

Waffle at Starlights - one of my sponsor bunnies x

Alison NLENG2000's Fat Fluff's foster bun Alfie - I met him and he was so sweet and his fur very soft - he and Faunus helped me decide to go for indoor bunnies when we next adopted. He was so lovely hopping around the room. x

Butterfly at Theo's Rabbit Retreat - who left behind little Terry x


OBBG (Lily-Hope), who broke a lot of hearts when she had to go to the Bridge :cry: x
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Remembering my lovely little piggie Rosie, and my friend's gorgeous bunny Alice who both died this year xx