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Search results

  1. D

    Hutch Question

    Hi all, This is probably a question that has been asked hundreds of times before, but can anyone recommend a good place to buy a new outdoor hutch? I'm moving soon and unfortunately in my new house there just isn't space to keep Mavis indoors any more. At the moment I only need a hutch big...
  2. D

    Poo-Matted Fur

    Hi all, My bunny has a large clump of poo matted fur right by her bottom. It doesn't seem to be affecting her going to the toilet but it obviously unsightly and probbably uncomfortable for her. I've just tried to get rid of it myself but I'm finding it very difficult to hold her still enough...
  3. D

    Corn on the cob

    Hi all. Been a while since I've been here I'm afraid. Unfortunately we lost Bob last year so Mavis is on her own at the moment, but moved house so she has a home now to call her own. By the way these are our rabbits, not my grandparents! Anyway, I was wondering if it's ok to feed rabbits...
  4. D

    Automatic Feeders

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has ever used automatic feeders for their buns? I am increasingly having to stay away from home for one or two nights at a time. Up until now I've always had someone who would pop in to feed them morning and night if I was away but my main bunny-sitter has...
  5. D

    Mucus Covered Poos

    Hi all, Over the past 3 days I noticed that neither of my buns Bob and Mavis seemed to be eating too much. Normally as soon as their food gets put down they're at it like they've not eaten in a week. Mavis then tends to pick at it for a little while while Bob just eats, and eats, and eats...
  6. D

    Cats and Rabbits

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone keeps rabbits and cats in the same house? My buns live indoors in a penned off section of a room but given time out to play in the rest of the house. I was wondering if a cat would be able to live in the same house or if cats generally would not get on well...
  7. D

    Red Cabbage

    Hi all, Can anyone tell me if the buns will be ok eating red cabbage? I know green is ok but not sure about red. Fanks a millyon
  8. D

    Off Their Food

    Hi everyone, It's been such a long time since I posted anything here but I've got a question as I'm a little worried about Bob and Mavis. Over the weekend Bob especially seemed quite quiet, he was laying in areas of their pen thet he doesn't normally frequent and he hasn't been chewing on the...
  9. D


    Does anyone use something hard like a brick for their buns to gnaw on instead of wood? My two are so uninterested in wooden chew toys but Bob sometimes take a fancy to the plastering. I heard someone mention it but it didn't sound like the best idea to me. Is it bad for them to chew something...
  10. D

    Tips for a petrified bun?

    Mavis is totally petrified of anything that moves except her mate Bob. Every time I go anywhere near their pen she darts off into a corner or into the carrier or cage and doesn't come out until I leave. When I go in there with food I have to leave it there for them otherwise she won't eat...
  11. D

    Constant Pen Chewing

    Hi everyone, I've got a question about Bob chewing on the buns metal pen. He goes mad at it for periods each morning and evening, normally waking me up about 5am really going at it and I can only think of the following possibles: (1) He's desperate to escape; (2) He's hungry; or (3) He's...
  12. D

    Bob and ??????

    I'm having trouble on re-naming Bob's new girl. Her current name is Precious, and while she'll always be precious, every time I hear it I think of Lord of the Rings!!!!! I'd like something old fashioned, cos people will think i'm talking about my grand parents when I tell them I'm looking...
  13. D


    No, not another news-breaking story about the love-life of the England manager, but a much more important question. I've been giving Bob some swede recently, which hardly touches the sides. However, I've been curtting the edges off cos I assumed they couldn't eat this, though I have no basis...
  14. D

    Pics of Bob

    Bob was hoping for early parole. Geddoutta my face I'm eating my Yellow Pages!
  15. D

    A quesiton of poop

    While Bob has always been excellent with his pooping, doing most of it in his litter tray, he has a habit of pooping where he lays next to his water bowl, resulting in him squashing them. They're normally the squidgy ones (I forget the proper name) anyway and as it's smelly and messy I tend to...
  16. D

    Garden Access

    Now that summer finally seems to be approaching I was wondering what those with house bunnies do about garden access. At this point in time my garden is not secure, but am planning lots of work to build a brick wall all around to they can't escape, but I was wondering how much access to allow...
  17. D

    Which Dog Crate?? sorry long post but bear with me

    After much deliberation: http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/viewtopic.php?t=20258&highlight= I have decided that getting a new 42" dog crate is going to be the best thing to house my indoor pair (when Bob gets a girlfriend), as (1) it will provide them with somewhere to call their own (2) will...
  18. D

    Cage or No Cage, That is the Question

    I will be getting Bob a friend soon and I'm starting to get a bit scared. I've seen some threads on here about bonded buns suddenly turning on each other and having horrific fights, I'm worried that one day while I'm at work there's gonna be a blood bath. Anyhow, One thing I'm worried about...
  19. D

    Stick or Twist?

    Not knowing any different, when I got Bob I got an average indoor cage for him. I think it's called a Nero3? However I keep seeing people's pics of their cool dog crates with shelves, bells and whistles and it makes me jealous. They look great as they give the bun more things to climb on and...
  20. D

    Couple of questions

    Again I am procrastinating from my dissertation, but Bob has been in his pen in fornt of me all afternoon and it's made me think of a question. He seems to groom himself quite a lot. While I'm happy because he's nice and clean and smells like roses (well kinda) I was wondering if it could be...