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Off Their Food


Warren Scout
Hi everyone,

It's been such a long time since I posted anything here but I've got a question as I'm a little worried about Bob and Mavis.

Over the weekend Bob especially seemed quite quiet, he was laying in areas of their pen thet he doesn't normally frequent and he hasn't been chewing on the cage which is something he does with ferocious regularity. Also over the past 2 days whenever I've put their food in with them they haven't paid much attention to it and I've come home from work this evening and a bit of their breakfast is still there. I've put their dinner in and again they haven't gone to it. Normally gthey go a little crazy for food.

Do you think it could be the heat? It has been really hot here over the weekend. They are still eating which is a good sign, and some hay and grass is still going down so I dont think it could be anything serious.

I have however found what I can only think is supposed to be a poo on the floor today, although it looks more like a piece of human phlegm it was so soft and green.

Does anyone have any thoughts? I just tried stroking bob and he moved pretty quickly which is a good sign right?

Sorry for the long post :)
I would suggest you get your Rabbits to a Vet ASAP.
The 'phlegm-like-substance' may be mucus that they have passed with their poo which is not normal. Or do they have any Respiratory Tract Symptoms such as sneezing/coughing and spluttering?
Have they ever had Dental problems? Molar spurs can lead to inappetance and GI disturbance.
I really would not put off seeking Veterinary advice. Good luck and please keep us posted

No they've never had any health problems at all. Just seems odd because it's been all of a sudden. Thanks Jane for your advice.
How are they today? Maybe they have some sort of tummy trouble if they are passing mucous? I would get them to a vet ASAP.
I took them to the vets who said that they feel a little bloated but otherwise seem absolutely fine. She gave them a multivitamin tablet and gave me some probiotics to add to their food/water.

I have hand fed them some hay and they have eaten some of their dinner tonight and at least one of them seems to be pooping ok.

When I put their dinner in tonight they went straight to it. They didn't eat it all in one go but at least they were interested.

I have to go back on Friday to get them checked out again.
They have picked up again, they ate most of what i put down this morning (all fresh hay no veggies for a few days), and they went straight over to dinner earlier, though they only ate some of it.

Seems whatever was troubling them is passing. Have to take them back to the vets tomorrow evening hopefully the vet will think they are fine.