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Stick or Twist?


Warren Scout
Not knowing any different, when I got Bob I got an average indoor cage for him. I think it's called a Nero3? However I keep seeing people's pics of their cool dog crates with shelves, bells and whistles and it makes me jealous. They look great as they give the bun more things to climb on and places to sit, and I was thinking about maybe getting one for Bob, or maybe for when he gets a bunnygirl.

However, seeing as he has the run of the kitchen 24/7 does there really seem any point, if it's only a space issue? It jsut kindaworries me a little him having to hop into it, i don't want him hurting himself.

This is what he has at the moment:

I must say I do find those cages too small for buns, but it sounds like you give Bob a lot of time out of his cage :thumb:

Can I ask you to do one thing though :?: Please cover the door with cardboard so Bob doesn't get his leg caught in the wire.

I know of people that have had a bun slip his leg through the wire and break his leg.

Do you ever shut Bob in his cage?

Is it possible for you to take the wire top off and leave him with the base for sleeping, eating in ect?

Keep the wire top, store it some where in case you do need to shut him in.

Bob is gorgeous :love:
I did actually have a piece of card on there at one point and its not ther anymore, I will sort that out.

Bob never gets locked in, not since he went a bit hormonal after he was neutered, so he hasn't been locked in for well over a month though, only when I'm hoovering. I think he feels very secure with the cage top on which is why I don't take it off, even though it's always open.

I thought the crate floors were smaller than the cage floor, never imagined having a shelf in there till I saw someone's pics
Since you say he is never locked up I dont think it can make much of a difference can it? I would just cover up his little "ramp" with card board just incase!

since he doesnt get looked in then NO he doesnt need a bigger cage, as the one he has is in effect a litter tray! :D i have two and they are both free range ie havent even got a cage! althought i wish mine did ! :D
I used to use one of those fiddle stick things to cover the door metal.. its heavier than cardboard and not so easily eaten! :lol:
If you're worried about going in/out, those cage doors are really easy to remove, just unbend the the hinge slightly until they'll slide off. If you don't bend them too much you can still put it back on and secure it closed if needed.

There are lots of extra things you could do to give him interesting places to sit without getting a whole new cage :) A piece of wood over the top of the cage and a ramp/box to climb up would give him a look out post. If you have room you could make a cardboard castle :) Kiddies stools also make good seats too :)

A really good toy, if you don't have one already, is a treatball to put his dry food in. Mine spend ages chasing theirs around and I bet it would work really well on a kitchen floor as it would roll nicely :D

Yeah i totally removed the front door when mine had cages so they could jump in and out without getting there legs caught
I also attached a bit of board to the top of the cage.as they kept jumping on it and again i was worried they would hurt themselfs.i then put some vetbed on top so it was soft for them :)
oh I'm glad he's never shut in that cage - I think about him every time I feed Tara as she's in the same size cage, and it's small for a guinea pig.

I too would put something on the door today, or remove it with some pliers - those doors are quite dangerous - and Benny used to jump on top of his cage when he was indoors, so putting something on top would give him another level to sit on as well. :)
That is fine esp as he is out of the cage alot! if he was to be locked in i would def sayd get a dog crate. You can get them v cheap off Ebay!
Hi Dan, I don't have any cages, but they do like to sleep in "something" or to duck into something if they hear a noise. TJ who is free range in the house sleeps under an ikea leather chair. I put a throw over it to stop him chewing it and, as the throw goes down to the floor, he has made it into his den now and sleeps in the day underneath it. Daisy and Maisie, who are free range in the kitchen have the largest pet voyager (dog size) as their base. They also have a large cardboard box which has a door cut in it. They usually lay out like dogs on the kitchen floor, but when they want to "duck away", one will lay in the voyager and one in the box and chew it. A dog crate would not be necessary for us in the house, but it would be useful if we need to travel for boarding and I am about to buy one.
Thanks for all the responses. I think I will hold off getting a crate, but for the moment I will definitely put some card over the entrance and remove it when I get some time to do it properly without breaking it (DIY disaster area I'm afraid).

Bob used to jump on the top of his cage for a few days after he was neutered, but I came in one morning and he'd jumped off over the top of the board that protects the doors and he had got himself trapped between that and the door the poor guy. He doesn't seem to do it anymore but now he's calmed down perhaps a ramp etc would be kinda fun for him, specially for when there's two of them. As he's a dwarf lop I'd expect him to be more energetic, perhaps he will be when he's got a girl to run away from. He's gonna end up with a bigger house than me!

Ideally I'd like to get rid of the cage altogether but its quite convenient for his litter tray and hay rack, water etc.
We got rid of our hutch for our house bunnies as they just used it as a toilet! now they just have a larged penned area of the study with a cardboard box to hide, which they have modelled themselves!

They are a,ot happier and so I am as I don't have a wooden hutch to scrub! :lol:
Leon had/has one of those - like your rabbit he is free range but I did shut him in at night and he used to love the little house that's in there to sleep in!!

I noticed that he was getting a bit big to sprawl on top of the platform so I put an outdoor run in the spare room and he sleeps in there now with a little house as a bed.

I had a tray on the top of the cage that he used to sit on and a dig box with a couple of inches of compost in on top as well - as far as the doors concerned for going in and out, is yours one of the ones where the ends of the wire top are hinged so you can prop them up and he can go in the side of the cage? Leon used to like it like that.
I have loads of plans, if only they would come together, I'd love it!

I do actually plan one day to remove the cage and replace it with my own breakfast table, so he/they could always hide underneath there, plus I will get a plastic dog bed and some bigger better litter trays to try and contain all the hay.

I've seen some big ones with lips in p@h but some people have some really deep ones that I've seen on here. Any place easy to pick them up? There's a corner store near me that does lots of thinkgs like that I think, or do places like Macro do them?