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Warren Scout
Does anyone use something hard like a brick for their buns to gnaw on instead of wood? My two are so uninterested in wooden chew toys but Bob sometimes take a fancy to the plastering. I heard someone mention it but it didn't sound like the best idea to me.

Is it bad for them to chew something like this, perhaps because of brickdust etc????

Fanks effreywun
I think chewing on a brick would probably damage his teeth. :? Have you tried Bob with different tipes of wood? My girls love willow and vine. :)
I'd go for willow- mine have bricks in their pen but this is for jumping on, they do not chew them .
You can try soaking the wood in apple juice, and then when it is thoroughly dry give it to the buns - they like the flavour (just make sure it doesn't have any additives or extra sugar etc). :D
I gave H & H a log, and have given them a few wooden chew - style toys, they hardly touch them, and seemed to enjoy enjoy the inside edges of their hutch more :roll: , but 2 things have worked - willow balls (I get the type where the weave seems to come up in a spiral from the bottom, not the ones with a frame, so cant get caught in them if unsupervised) AND a wooden chew I got frm my local pet shop, its shaped like a carrot and has a clip to hang it frm wire on hutch/run, it has 2 holes in it and u get special pineapple pieces which look like fruit pastilles to go in them. Im not keen on giving them artificial treats, but these are jst pineapple with natural colour. They lick at the sweets, and chew at the wood at the same time. :D