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Which Dog Crate?? sorry long post but bear with me


Warren Scout
After much deliberation:


I have decided that getting a new 42" dog crate is going to be the best thing to house my indoor pair (when Bob gets a girlfriend), as (1) it will provide them with somewhere to call their own (2) will provide me with a handy shelf to store their food, litter on etc and (3) can be closed for when I have guests for barbies so they don't escape.

However, I'm now faced with the difficult decision of which crate to get. I thought they'd all be the same but seems I was wrong (it does happen, I am a man after all).

I was wondering if anyone would be able to give me an indication from this little lot:


My firts thought would be the one that is £44.00 as it looks strongest, but on reading it the mesh is 3mm and the frame 4mm, whereas others that are cheaper look like the mesh is 4mm and the frame 5mm. I hear you ask "whats a mm between friends?" but I will put a second level in so need it to be strong.

This one seemed to be to be just the job:


It's cheapest and looks pretty.

I'm now confusing myself, so if anyone can help me out of this quagmire, I'd appreciate it.


Dan, Bob, and the mystery bunnygirl
Im sure any of them would be fine.. they are pretty similar really.. just different colours and different trays i guess.
I have one with a heavy plastic tray which i wanted as its not slippery and not noisy. Its the one with the two people stood on top of the crate on ebay. I hope you make your mind up soon :wink:
I have one with a metal tray, I have not had any problems with excessive noise from rabbits stamping on it as I have layers of paper underneath it. It cleans easily. The door arrangements on some are slightly different from others, it is worth checking that the one you are purchasing opens in the directions that you want.

I don't think there is much difference between them and you could use either to add a shelf to, they are all pretty strong.
Diddeen said:
Im sure any of them would be fine.. they are pretty similar really.. just different colours and different trays i guess.
I have one with a heavy plastic tray which i wanted as its not slippery and not noisy. Its the one with the two people stood on top of the crate on ebay. I hope you make your mind up soon :wink:

I've got that one too and it seems the strongest out of my two. This one has a huge rat cage, half an indoor rabbit cage (with a ratty in!) and a 3' tank on top of it whereas the other has a tank and the other half of the rabbit/rat cage and seems a bit unsteady, I wouldn't want to put any more weight on it.
The first one also has the door positioned on the right hand side of the front which is handy as it means I can put the tins and boxes of food in front of it in the left without blocking door access, which I can't on the other.