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Search results

  1. natsbunnies

    Messy bum (warning pics)

    I went to feed the buns this morning and noticed a few drops of brown liquid around the hutch. Then I picked up sophie and she had some brown round her bits. I then got some warm water and cotton buds to clean her. So this is what came off her. I couldn't see any irregular poops anywhere...
  2. natsbunnies


    I noticed a few weeks ago that my bun sophie was scratching and sort of shaking her head a little. And when I looked I saw a few brownish specks in her hair that are just moving about. So I took both buns to the vets and she said she couldn't see anything but she was searching really quickly...
  3. natsbunnies

    Ideas for a run (NEW RUN) pics p5

    Hi all. I'm afraid to say that my rabbits don't have an attached run all the time. They do get access to a fence panel one on the grass and also come indoors for exercise though I am aware they do not get as much as they should and I would like. My one rabbit maisy has a sensitive tum so...
  4. natsbunnies

    Free rabbit food (now being donated)

    Hi everyone. I have a bag of burgess excel nuggets (mature for rabbits age 5+) free to anyone who wants it. There is also half a tub full. I live in Alton Hampshire and don't drive so if anyone lives nearby and wants it then let me know. OR if you know of a rescue place nearby that I could...
  5. natsbunnies

    the buns fun day in the sun

    [/URL [URL=http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/natsbunnies/media/IMG_3572_zpsb5484947.jpg.html]
  6. natsbunnies

    Soft poops

    Hi all. My Maisy is 1 years old . Ever since I can remember she haas had soft poo and they always seem a little bigger than my other rabbits. I took her to the vets a few months ago about it and we tried her on some....i can't remember some digestive thing to help her have the right levels of...
  7. natsbunnies

    Green thumbs and foragers 'Question on page 2'

    I have seen so many posts and questions about plants and foraging ( plus I have many of my own) So I thought that putting a thread where we can contain it all together might be a good idea plus be helpful for others to see. So any plants/veg/forage ideas, tips or questions pop them in here. I...
  8. natsbunnies

    Help identifying plants (pic heavy)

    I went for a little walk today (was inspired by all the lovely foragers on here) but I am AWFUL with identifying anything so if I could please ask for some help with these. [/URL][/IMG] sorry for the blur [/URL][/IMG] I think this is bramble [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] I think thats nettle...
  9. natsbunnies

    Help with Pellets

    My buns have been on burgess excel since I got them last February. It was what they were on when I got them and it's the same as what my vet uses. Having seen all the good comments on SS I would like to move on to them. My Maisy has had soft..almost 'moist' poops for several months ( Vet said...
  10. natsbunnies

    What is safe?

    Hi all. I keep seeing everyone picks forage for their buns and I would love to as well. My issues are .. 1. I don't know what is safe. If anyone has a link or list ? 2. how to identify them...Anyone know what could help me with this? I plan on mixing in dried forage with their hay and pellets.
  11. natsbunnies

    Hello (pic included)

    Hello everyone :wave: I'm Natalie and am the owner of two beautiful girls Sophie and Maisy Sophie is a dutch rabbit and Maisy (we think) is an English mix but not sure . I like many others was very uneducated when I first got them. I had done lots of research but was unaware of how many buns...