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Help with Pellets


Warren Scout
My buns have been on burgess excel since I got them last February. It was what they were on when I got them and it's the same as what my vet uses.
Having seen all the good comments on SS I would like to move on to them.
My Maisy has had soft..almost 'moist' poops for several months ( Vet said it wasn't a problem thats just how she is) but now I'm wondering if it's down to the burgess excel.

Okay so my dilemma is a have a whole storage box full of burgess which as you can imagine I don't just want to throw away. So I was wondering if i could just mix the SS and burgess together. I have been giving the buns about 5/6 pellets of SS ( Between 2 buns) with their burgess and they seem fine with it so far.
I'm just wondering how to progress with this.

Sorry if thats confusing and I sound like an idiot.
You are giving them 5 or 6 pellets only? And that's between them? So that's like 3 pellets each, literally? Why bother giving them any at all in that case, you may as well not bother to be honest. Most people feed pellets using an egg cup as a guide (though egg cups can vary a lot; in fact, mine couldn't even hold pellets as it's one of them spring like ones!).

To answer your question I would mix up equal amounts of SS and Burgess, yes. That's what I did when my muesli changed and I had no adverse effects.

Soft poops are usually indicitative of not enough fibre so I am assuming your bunnies have plents of hay and/or to eat as that should form around 90% of their diet anyway.
sorry if I didn't explain fully.
They normally have a bowl of pellets (just enough to cover the bottom) so I'd been adding just a few SS pellets to what they normally have. So I was just introducing the SS pellets into their normal ones.

Yes they do have unlimited hay all day and I don't feed them veg every day because of the soft poops. They just have a few herbs.
Yes, that should be fine! I've heard other people have probs with Excel pellets, although mine are fine on them.
Just gradually mix the two together, increasing the amount of SS and decreasing the Burgess; so as not to cause any tummy upsets from diet change. :thumb:
Ah! I see! :lol: I thought you were only giving them 3 pellets each!

Yes, reducing/increasing gradually at the same time should be fine.

Mine are on Excel but of course all bunnies are different, as are us humans :)
My 2 only get 3 pellets and 2 fibre first sticks each!

Just do as you're doing, no point in wasting a bag of food!
I buy both ss and Burges and mix them together for my buns to give them variety and they are thriving on that mix.

It sounds like you are doing the right thing :) I wouldn't want to waste pellets either !

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Thanks luna.
Thats what I'm doing at the moment.
I bought two bags of 2kg burgess and put it in their storage container just before reading about ss on here so didn't want to waste it!
Good luck with the change. Even if you hadn't bought a new bag of Excel a gradual changeover / introduction of a new food is usually the best plan. :thumb: