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Search results

  1. F

    Winter bunnies.

    Hi, I was on here years ago with a bonding problem, hope you don't mind me popping back to pick your brains! I have four rabbits, two inside, two outside. Whilst the two inside have all the benefit of central heating they have less room than my outdoor buns who have a shed to themselves. I'm...
  2. F

    My bunny has ADHD!

    I've been on here before looking for help with Ivy in bonding but now I'm looking for advice on her behaviour. I've never had a bun like her! She is manic! She scatters poop everywhere when she's out in the living room, she sprays urine, she will not sit still to be petted and our "cuddles"...
  3. F

    A passing phase?

    Hi, I've been on here before looking for advice on bonding but I'm still struggling. My new Rabbit Ivy, who was spayed on 11th December, is very bitey. It doesn't seem malicious and its not all the time but she gets all excitable and starts nipping. When I'm playing with her I will draw my...
  4. F

    Grumpy and the wussbag

    Hi all, Having successfully bonded several pairs of rabbits over the years I am disappointed to be struggling with my latest effort. I have two female Rex rabbits, roughly the same age and very similar in personality. They are both very friendly to humans, inquisitive, lively buns and their...
  5. F

    How do you make the final decision?

    Hi, My rabbit Nancy was diagnosed about two months ago with an adrenal tumour and has subsequently lost most of her fur. Her skin has also become a little fragile and scaley in places. Despite this she has been doing well, she moved with her hutch mate into the house and seemed to be very...
  6. F


    Hi all, One of my rabbits, Nancy, is covered in ringworm. She has virtually no fur left on her face and its travelling down her body. She's been on Mycozole spray (at £30 a bottle :shock:) for about 6 days with no change at all. Her hutch mate is also being treated but she is showing no...
  7. F

    seperation anxiety

    Hi all, Now it has got warmer I have decided it is time for my latest rescue, Olive, to move out of the house and in to the shed with the other bunnies. As I have not yet managed to bond them (Casta is mighty grumpy!) she will be living in a separate hutch by herself for now. The idea being...
  8. F

    Opinions on a trio bond please

    Hi all, I've been on here before but not often. I have kept rabbits for years and had several successful bonds, this is my first attempt at a trio bond though. I have a bonded pair, Casta and Nancy who live happily in a spacious hutch in a roomy insulated shed at the foot of my garden. About...
  9. F

    Should she stay or should she go?

    I'm headed to my mothers for Christmas day and I've booked a pet sitter to look after the menagerie. However, poor olive is in the house alone and I'm fretting about her being all alone all of christmas eve evening, chritmas day and boxing day. I'm thinking of taking her with me but it's a 2 1/2...
  10. F

    head shaking

    Anyone had a rabbit with a head shaking habit? Olive, who's current residing inside until spring when she will meet her future hutch mates in the garden, has taken to fairly regular head shaking. It's quite cute really, very fast and her ears make a rippling noise when she does it. But none...
  11. F


    Hi all, Just had a bonding disaster! The buns have met in the bathroom a couple of times now (lots of sniffing each other then hopping away to watch each other from the other side of the room but no aggression) and I decided to give them ago together in the garden. It's Casta and Nancy's...
  12. F

    tips and advice

    Hi all! My newly spayed rabbit Olive is healing well and my thoughts are starting to turn to integration. I have two bonded bunnies who live in the shed at the end of my garden. They have a large hutch (easily big enough for 3) to sleep in and the run of the whole shed during the day when I'm...
  13. F

    Post op worries!

    Hi all, Back for more advice! Olive was spayed today and she's back here with me. I'm really worried about her, probably because I'm an over anxious owner but....I popped her into her cage with lots of tempting treats to get her eating again, but she's been hiding in her cardboard box mostly...
  14. F


    Hi, I'm now at the end of day 4 with my new girl Olive and am overloaded with guilt! I'm sure I am being very foolish but she's such a darling little thing and I want to give her the best, but these things take time! She's very, very friendly, if I spent all day everyday stroking her nose...
  15. F

    three buns?

    Hi all, Has anyone got any experience of keeping three buns together? As I have mentioned on here I have recently adopted a bunny who is now happily bonded with my original girl but today I walked past a little rabbit who'd been returned to Pets at Home (was in buying fish food). She was a...
  16. F

    Any one with experience with dental rabbits who can advise?

    Hi all, My dental rabbit Nancy is not quite herself. It started about a week ago when I noticed she wasn't as excited about her evening veg as normal, over the week she hasn't been eating as much hay as she normally does but she's been scoffing grass and her favourite garden plants like...
  17. F

    Dental rabbit off colour

    Hi all, My Rabbit Nancy is not her self this morning. Yesterday, like every day she fell head first into her food bowl for breakfast, last night she happily tucked in to her fresh veg for dinner. When I went in this morning she was stretched out looking doopy and didn't jump up when I opened...
  18. F

    A traffic jam, a stomping and a fox!

    Hi all, Today I brought home Nancy! It's been a two week wait, she almost got destroyed for her bad teeth by the RSPCA but she's here! It's not been a stress free day for poor Nancy. First this strange person came and put her in a hot car, which took forever as the strange person hit a...
  19. F

    Nancy's coming home!

    Hi all, For those who didn't spot my last post I am awaiting the adoption of a bunny from the RSPCA who has suffered complications from the discovery of bad teeth. I've spoken to the RSPCA today and she's awake from sugery, bouncing about and pooping but not eating for herself yet - please...
  20. F

    Dental issues

    Hi all, I'm new here but I have a feeling I'm going to need some help over the next few months (or more)! Looking for a little advice.... A few weeks ago I was unfortunate enough to loose my darling six year old rabbit. We're not sure what happened, either E.C. or stroke, but despite our best...