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seperation anxiety


Young Bun
Hi all,

Now it has got warmer I have decided it is time for my latest rescue, Olive, to move out of the house and in to the shed with the other bunnies. As I have not yet managed to bond them (Casta is mighty grumpy!) she will be living in a separate hutch by herself for now. The idea being they will get used to each other being around and I can attempt introductions again in a few weeks time.

I'm taking it slowly, Olive has been spending a few hours in her new hutch everyday then coming back inside but as of next week I will be leaving her all day. The worry for me is this: Olive has become very used to being a house rabbit, petted and spoilt by the humans, will she be lonely in her hutch? I'm doing it for her good, after all I'm at work 10 hours a day and can't spend all evening every evening fussing her. Plus other rabbits must be better company than a human. I will bring her in for regular fuss until she's in with the other bunnies but I still worry she won't be happy.

I totally realise that part of this is I will miss her in the house, I've got used to being clambered on and pestered for fuss and attention. I will miss having her with me at breakfast when she sits on my lap and tries to steal my food. I will miss her sticking her velvety nose on my face when I try to read the news because she wants her nose tickled.

Am I doing the right thing?
Hi :)

I'm not sure it's a good idea to split her time up between living indoors and outdoors. I think they need to adapt to either an outdoor or an indoor climate by either moulting or growing an outdoor coat.

If you can start the bonding process sooner rather than later and see if she gets along with the others then you'll get an indication of whether she seems happier with other rabbits or whether she was happier indoors with you. I'd definitely give it a good go as 10 hours alone is a long time if she was to stay indoors. Also, a few weeks in a hutch alone after being the centre of the universe in your house would probably be a shock for her so if possible could you start the bonding process a bit earlier?

Best of luck xx