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My bunny has ADHD!


Young Bun
I've been on here before looking for help with Ivy in bonding but now I'm looking for advice on her behaviour. I've never had a bun like her! She is manic! She scatters poop everywhere when she's out in the living room, she sprays urine, she will not sit still to be petted and our "cuddles" involved her leaping on to my lap to box me and nip me repeatedly and excitedly through my jumper. It doesn't hurt so I let her and try to sooth her with nose rubs but she does goes right on chewing and scratching at me.

She was spayed mid December so hormones should have settled by now. She is otherwise in very good health, gets out three days a week for several hours run in the garden and everyday to run in the living room. (I will let her out in the garden more in the summer, its dark when I get home right now) She has chew toys and a variety of different food. This behaviour is stopping her bonding with my other rabbit so they are living separately for now.

What's going on do you think? Is it a phase or have I adopted a crazy bun?
Does she have a big enough area permanently available to her? The rwaf minimum recommended space is a 6ftx2ft hutch with a permanently attached run of 8ftx4ft. http://www.rabbitwelfare.co.uk/ahutchisnotenough.htm . So that's a total of 44 sq ft. If she is in a smaller space than that, it could be down to her releasing pent up energy when she is let out.

When she is let out into the living room, she could be marking out territory, with there being another bunny in the house. She will mark it more if the other bunny is also let out at separate times in the same area. This may account for her attitude to you too, if she is wound up about the other bunny.
I agree with Zoobec :wave:

Where does your rabbit live when she is not allowed out in the garden or house? If her space is not big enough it will be pent up energy. Also is your other rabbit neutered yet? She may be acting territorial because she can smell the other bunny and it will be worse if they are not neutered.

Good luck. Bunnies are naughty! xx
Her cage is too small at present, its a temporary cage until I can put her in her hutch in the garden. She was adopted from an inside environment in the winter so I will put her out in the spring when it warms up. The hutch is very large, at least 2 x 6, probably more and during the day I usually let the rabbits have the run of the shed it is situated in giving them lots of room. In warmer weather they also have a 10x5 run (the old chicken coop) to run in.

I was hoping to have both buns happily co-habiting by then. Do you think if I move Ivy down there first she'll calm down and I can start again with bonding? Its going no where right now. Olive has been spayed at least two years and is usually a very docile and friendly rabbit. Her and Ivy DO NOT get on. She escaped into the garden while Ivy was out the other day and they had a huge fight! I've not attempted bonding since, I'm letting them both have some alone time.
So is Ivy indoors, and Olive outdoors at the moment?

I'm guessing Ivy is frustrated if she is in a cage that is too small. If she is indoors I would get some puppy pens to make a rabbit safe run area for her.

Really they both need the space that I mentioned in my earlier post available to them at all times, day and night, summer and winter, whatever the weather.

If you feel you are struggling with bonding (and 2 females are the most difficult combination) then I would post a thread asking for local rescues/boarding places who may be able to bond them for you.
I have to agree with the replies above. Her cage is too small and when you let her roam around a bigger space, she'll feel excited. I guess that's her way of enjoying her freedom.
They are both inside at the moment - long story. I'm thinking I will be able to start moving Ivy out in April, weather permitting so not long now till she has more room! I'm also having a little hutch built for the run so one can go into the shed and the other into the run all day. Both rabbits will have all the space they need.

Olive's cage is also too small but her behaviour is fine. I've kept rabbits for many years and this is the first time I have had this issue so I guess its taken it me by surprise. I know everyone says two females are hard to bond but this is my forth pair and the first to have a problem! I love Ivy very much and only want what's best for her. Unfortunately practicalities mean for a brief period she has had to live in a caged smaller than I would have liked. I didn't anticipate such a bonding issue, they would be having far more exercise if I could let them out together!