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Recent content by millivanilli

  1. millivanilli

    sad news ;-(((

    :cry::cry::cry: I'm so sorry about Tinkerdora and her babies. xxx
  2. millivanilli

    panacur question?!

    I've just reacently started using Panacur too, and I really like the syringes. They are really easy to use. My bunnies objected a wee bit for the first couple of days, but the seemed to enjoy it after that, must be dandelion flavoured or something :roll: I just feel that if I'm giving the it...
  3. millivanilli

    Missing Bunny

    Thank you everyone for your lovely messages. They made me feel so much better :love:
  4. millivanilli

    Pegi - freead mousey

    She's lovely, and so lucky to have found a good home :)
  5. millivanilli

    Missing Bunny

    Yeah, it was about time we did it anyway. I'm going to give the vet a call first thing. :shock:
  6. millivanilli

    Missing Bunny

    Thank you. I know I can't be certain, but this peice of land is right in the middle of a housing estate, and we've never seen wild bunnies around, but I will bear it in mind. We've just realised that with all the excitement we'd left the poor dog out in the dark for the last hour and a half!!!:?
  7. millivanilli

    Missing Bunny

    Thank you so much for this!!! :love: I've had rabbits for 12 years, and I've never heard that. I always thought they only did it if they were in pain. She is a very vocal bunny anyway, very growly so that makes sense. You've set my mind at rest, I thought we'd really scarred her!
  8. millivanilli

    Missing Bunny

    :wave: She's home! I sent Paul out for cabbage and carrots, and when he came back she was sitting in the garden eating the bowl of food I left out. The only problem is, she was obviously really scared. She kept thumping at us and running away. Paul finally managed to get her to take some...
  9. millivanilli

    Cat lovers....

    What a poser! She's gorgeous and she knows it :D Those black pads are amazing!
  10. millivanilli

    Missing Bunny

    Hi Maria, I'm going to go to the supermarket and get the biggest greenest cabbage I can find (her favourite) and try leaving some around and see how that goes. We've got a cctv camera on the garden too and I just keep sitting in the office watching it intently. D x
  11. millivanilli

    Missing Bunny

    Thank you x Fuzz has been looking intently at the bushes all afternoon, so I really think she's in there somewhere.
  12. millivanilli

    Argh to Dog Owners!!!

    I'm a dog owner, and a dog lover, but I would've been outraged! My parents used to do that with their dog Cassie, who I have to say is lovely, but completely untrained. The unfortunate thing is that our bunnies run around the garden, so when they walked straight in our house (yes, without...
  13. millivanilli

    Hi everyone...a day late!

    :? Sorry, I was in such a state yesterday I didn't even think about introducing myself to everyone. My name's Denise, and I live in Saltcoats in North Ayrshire with my husband Paul, our four bunnies Snowy, Storm, Fuzz and Willow (if she comes home:(), our dog Molly, cat Lucy and two...
  14. millivanilli

    I have a dilemma....U/D Family pictures on page 11 and need a name help!!

    I agree, I think you need to get them out of there as soon as. Good luck! :love:
  15. millivanilli

    Does anyone take their rabbit for a walk?

    LOL I've been dying to ask this question but also felt a bit stupid. :D