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Missing Bunny

great news! :D so happy for you. am sure after all that time out alone she must have been prettty scared and wound up so that is why she screamed. good idea, I'd defo get her neutered.
Aww good news that she is home. I'd definitely get her neutered, and making your garden bunny proof might be an idea!!!
Aw great news...if she didn't want to be with you she wouldn't have come home :D :D :D Poor little thning has had quite an ordeal :shock:
You must be so relieved. It's a horrible feeling knowing they are out their alone especially at night.

We had a previous bunny who escaped and lived totally free range in the garden for a week before we could tempt her back into her hutch. She then did it again! However, even though she could have got out and away, she hung around the garden. I think she knew where her dinner came from!