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Missing Bunny

I hope she returns home soon - can you do anything else to encourage her to return to your garden?

Maria x

Hi Maria,

I'm going to go to the supermarket and get the biggest greenest cabbage I can find (her favourite) and try leaving some around and see how that goes. We've got a cctv camera on the garden too and I just keep sitting in the office watching it intently.

D x
I hope she sees the cabbage and comes home soon. Do you have anything that you can shake like food bowl or something to encourage her.

I have a some of the pineapple/papaya treats in a plastic container and shake that when I have difficulty getting mine in - it sure gets their attention.
good luck with finding her... i assume they were free range in the garden? when you get her back you will have to board up that naughty hole!!!! also definatly try the food in a humane trap that is likely to work..and keep an eye out at dawn and dusk buns favourite time of munching... also put posters and leaflets up they are such anughty bunsters!!! my dora escaped by jumping over a 2ft fence and by pushing over a 3ft one!!
(she is fine and safe now with all fences secured!!!) so dont despair they always try it if they think they can...to help pher get back in i would try putting bricks to make a step up into the hole and back again like a ramp so its easier if she wants to get back? good luck xx
:wave: She's home! I sent Paul out for cabbage and carrots, and when he came back she was sitting in the garden eating the bowl of food I left out.

The only problem is, she was obviously really scared. She kept thumping at us and running away. Paul finally managed to get her to take some cabbage and lifted her while she was eating. She went crazy!!! :cry: She even started screaming! I've never heard anything like it, it was really heart breaking. He didn't grab her hard, and she didn't have any obvious injuries, so I can only guess that she was terrified!!! When he passed her over to me she seemed to relax a bit. Its really weird because she's always been so much better with Paul than me. She's not spayed yet and was really just starting to trust us. I think we can safely say that trust is completely broken now! I brought her into the house for a bit and she seemed to relax and ate some more cabbage. I then put her in the shed in the peace and quiet and I'll check on her in a little while.

There are usually loads of cats in amongst those bushes, so I'm wondering if maybe she's got a bit of a fright. I now have her and I still feel awful! I'm so relieved that she's ok, but I'm also so worried that she doesn't like being here.

God, what do I sound like, you'd think I was a kid. I know I couldn't leave her where she was, but I just feel so guilty.
excellent news!!

Don't feel bad about the screaming...it is more likely that she was just a little freaked out by everything so it was a natural reaction to being picked up. I have one bun who will scream if I try to go and get her in from the garden if she knows my dog is around. I have to say my dog isn't the least interested in the bunnies but she is naturally frightened of him so I just keep him away from her. It's a horrible thing to hear!
excellent news!!

Don't feel bad about the screaming...it is more likely that she was just a little freaked out by everything so it was a natural reaction to being picked up. I have one bun who will scream if I try to go and get her in from the garden if she knows my dog is around. I have to say my dog isn't the least interested in the bunnies but she is naturally frightened of him so I just keep him away from her. It's a horrible thing to hear!

Thank you so much for this!!! :love: I've had rabbits for 12 years, and I've never heard that. I always thought they only did it if they were in pain. She is a very vocal bunny anyway, very growly so that makes sense. You've set my mind at rest, I thought we'd really scarred her!
Congratulations on getting her back!! :)

Just bear in mind that if there are wild buns in the vicinity, she might be pregnant as she hasn't been neutered!
Congratulations on getting her back!! :)

Just bear in mind that if there are wild buns in the vicinity, she might be pregnant as she hasn't been neutered!

Just what I was thinking. It might be an idea to take her in for her spay now. I'm so glad she's come home to you...she obviously knows which side her bread's buttered!!:lol:
Thank you. I know I can't be certain, but this peice of land is right in the middle of a housing estate, and we've never seen wild bunnies around, but I will bear it in mind.

We've just realised that with all the excitement we'd left the poor dog out in the dark for the last hour and a half!!!:?