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Heart failure and gut slowdown


Wise Old Thumper
Has anyone else experienced this with a heart failure bunny?

Nutmeg gets all excited when i get the food out but after a few pellets (trying some junior pellets as well as fibafirst to get some weight back on her) she's had enough. Sometimes she'll have a drink and then have one or two more but it's a real struggle. Her poos are small as well, but still golden and crumbly.

I'm finding it impossible to syringe feed her so I'm giving her a variety. She's much happier eating wet food and a bit happier with dried forage. The other two are getting a bit chubby :roll: so I'm having to seperate her three times a day so she can eat without them. Just got in from getting some hay and after a cuppa I'm gonna go see if I can find any forage before it gets dark. Not the best time of year for forage :? and my winter stores are running out. :( i bought her a biggish bunch of parsley a few days ago but that lasts one day with my lot, i'm also slipping her some carrot peelings.

As for meds she's now on Frusol along with the Vetmedin but this has been happening gradually for a couple of months now. I'm wondering if it's worth me syringing some water to help her guts?
If her heart is now very enlarged this can effect appetite. There is very little room for the stomach to expand if it is being squashed by the diaphragm due to an enlarged heart. Has she been examined by the Vet recently ? If not that would be my suggestion xx
Yup we went on the 6th because she's lost a lot of weight and that's when she was put on the frusol. I guess we're nearing the end stages now :cry: just want to make her as comfortable as possible.

Thanks for the explanation I can visualise what's hapoening more now, so i guess it's best to give her little and often, maybe slip her a few pellets every hour or so?
Yup we went on the 6th because she's lost a lot of weight and that's when she was put on the frusol. I guess we're nearing the end stages now :cry: just want to make her as comfortable as possible.

Thanks for the explanation I can visualise what's hapoening more now, so i guess it's best to give her little and often, maybe slip her a few pellets every hour or so?

Yes, definitely. She will feel full after just a few pellets. You could try giving her some soaked pellets so they swell up before she ingests them.

Is she drinking enough ? If the Frusol is being a bit too efficient she may be dehydrated and that too would effect her appetite/gut motility.
Yes, definitely. She will feel full after just a few pellets. You could try giving her some soaked pellets so they swell up before she ingests them.

Is she drinking enough ? If the Frusol is being a bit too efficient she may be dehydrated and that too would effect her appetite/gut motility.

Ta, will try soaking them. I haven't noticed any great increase in her drinking, I was expecting the water bowl to go down quicker but it isn't. I was thinking of syringing some water and maybe asking the vet about subcutaneous fluids.

Thank you for all your advice, I really appreciate it.

I can't offer any advice, but want to send vibes xx

Thank you :) xx
She's had a whole Fibafirst stick this morning with no cajoling from me so that's good :thumb: and she had some soaked pellets last night and ate quite a few. Poos are a bit bigger this morning too :)
Poor little Nutmeg. I have no advice, but I hope she can stay comfortable and happy for as long as possible. xx
Thank you everyone. I know she doesn't have long left but she's not ready just yet :) she's back to my Meg again now, at least for the time being, interested, involved and after food!

Aww glad that she's feeling a bit better. I have a soft spot for Nutmeg, she looks a lot like my little Nutmeg....the Nutmeg twins :love:
