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Awful skin reaction off repeated injections

Mad Bunster

Mama Doe
Well, due to Maddies recurrent abscesses, we've had to put her back on the Dupaphen injections again - but like last time, she has developed an awful skin reaction. Her fur falls out in clumps and the skin underneath is almost like a burn, red and very sore looking. This has happened after only 2 weeks this time - at least we got a few months of abx in to her before it happened last year.

I'm off to the vets with her in a bit to see what we can do - vet thinks that injecting at a different site (like further down her back) will be ok as its just a local reaction rather than an all over reaction?

Has anyone any experience of this and can recommend any other solutions?

It looks something like the VHD reaction I've seen recently on a bun in the health section.
I know the antibiotics are the only way to keep the infection at bay, but obviously I can't keep injecting a very sore Maddie.... :(
We've had a few at the rescue that have suffered the same problem.

I'll check with Lou tomorrow to see how she's managed it and let you know