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WINNER ANNOUNCED - BARC Fundraiser - Guess the bunny poops!

Just bumping up - only 2hrs left to get your guesses in :D

Thank you :wave:

Just one hour to go now!!! Am off to bed soon so the winner will be announced tomorrow evening. Thanks again to everyone who has taken part from myself and all the BARC bunnies and piggys xxx
Firstly, can I apologise for the late announcement of the winner - I have had a gum infection and so have been quite poorly since Wednesday and zonked out on painkillers. I am really sorry.

Secondly, can I thank everyone who took part - I am really grateful.

And now for the winner. There were 696 bunny poops in the jar, so the winner is..............................................LUVABUN who guessed the closest with 700 :D

Congratulations Luvabun - please pm me your address so I can send your Hayexperts voucher.

Thanks again xxx

I'm happy happy happy and will have some happy bunnies too

Are you sending the jar of poops too?? I think luvabun deserves to win that too :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

:lol: Thanks for the offer but with 7 hay eating fluffmeisters, I have plenty of poops thank you ;):lol:

Although I do save some for my rabbit care stand.... I keep thinking that's a good specimen... and that one... and that one :oops::oops::lol: