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Which disinfectant do you use?

:wave: No I don't think so - white vinegar is a disenfectant-hadn't thought of that - good idea I think - probably cheaper and less chemically based - do you rinse down aswell and then let it dry after?

:wave: You've hit the nail on the head, I've always cleaned their litter trays in vinegar cos I was always worried what was in any cleaning products that they might lick up afterwards. I use it neat in the litter trays, leave it to soak for a while, then give them a really good rinse in hot water and leave to dry (or dry them with kitchen roll if I'm in a rush). In the dog crate (if I'm not taking the tray out to wash) then I just pour a drop of vinegar onto a damp cloth and wipe it around, then wash the cloth out and wipe it again.

I got a 5 litre container of white vinegar from a local food store shop near my house for about £3, I've been using it for a year (as well as using it for relish making and pickling) and theres still about a 3rd left, so yes, cheap a well. :D