Young Bun
My little girl Dot has suddenly started to chew everything in sight. She is on her own after my boy Arthur died of coccidiosis a couple of weeks ago, and I can't get another rabbit until I've had the whole living room steam cleaned so it might be some time. She used to occasionally chew her lino flooring and sometimes her wooden toys, but now she has suddenly started to chew everything - lino, wooden toys, cage bars, cables (which I've covered), cardboard castle, my clothes… The other day I ran out of Carefresh and couldn't get any straight away so I put some newspaper and hay in her litter box but had to take it away because she was eating the newspaper! I know chewing's normal generally, but would a sudden change like this suggest dental problems or might it be more of a boredom thing? I'm also worried that it's going to do her some damage because with things like the cardboard, newspaper and lino she's actually eating it, not just chewing it…