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Star let me pick her up for the first time!


Wise Old Thumper

I just had to share that Star finally let me pick her up yesterday for the first time since I have had her (5 weeks). :D

It was so lovely - she was unusually calm, no wriggling, so I could just get in the right position to lift her and then she sat in my arms for several minutes without moving (did feel a bit rigid/scared though).

The main issue was putting her down again - she panicked and scrabbled up my shoulder, it was all I could do to keep hold of her and get her back down safely. :(

Gave her lots of carrot after and she seemed to have recovered quite quickly from the experience.

Not sure when to try again. Twinkle still wont let me get anywhere near picking her up....

Fabulous - well done!!! I struggle with downwards sometimes, you just have to make them feel as secure as possible. I try and either put mine down on something, or sit down with them and let them hop off themselves.
Aww, that's lovely she let you pick her up. I have had my bunny for a week and she is very confident and will eat from my hand and let me stroke her when i am feeding her. But she won't let me pick her up, i tried today and she just struggled a lot. Is it best to wait until she is ready? Or to keep trying to pick her up?
Aww thats wonderful!! You have done much better than we have with Jims, we adopted him at 6months in feb this year and he still wont let us pick him up, we think he was tramatized by how his previous owner tried to pick him up.
I really wish he would let us pick him up, they manage at the vets but for some reason he will not let us.:cry: he is such a loving little fella and loves nothing more than to snuggle up with us and he gives me lovely kisses too :D