Sheds: replacing doors / rotten wood??


Warren Scout
Hi, with the weather warnings stating hurricane strength winds I'm worrying about the improvements that need to be done to my ageing shed!?
The shed is pretty old but mostly ok, just the door and somebody's around the door end that are starting to rot / look soggy and are attracting woodlice :( my husband has said he'll make anew door today! As the old one has actually pulled off two of its hinges now!
What is the best way to go about this? I'm worried the wood we have will be too heavy for threshed to support!
Poor buns, I want to bring them in over the storm but they'd hate being inside.. What are other people doing?
Right (writing to myself as no one replied ...)

My husband has helped me build new secure shed door &the buns are happily havingsome free range time in the garden. Trying to get them out and about is more tricky in winter as its dark when I leave for work and when I get home. Going to go and clear a room and make a run in case I need to bring them in tomo.
I think I'm going to bring two of mine indoors, because I'm not 100% sure their bike shed could withstand a hurricane. The other is much more sheltered and stable so I'm leaving them outside.