Safe Wood


Alpha Buck
Morning everyone!

I'm hoping to make a shelf for Neo in his playpen base and before I go to B&Q, wanted to know what wood I should look out for as if he chews, I don't want it to cause any issues!

I just wondered if anyone has ever purchased some from there and what you could suggest? Alternatively I could cover the base with carpet but I want a little edge to it so it's less likely for him to fall of so still need a bit of plain, naked wood.

I did a small Google but mostly everything discussed shavings and boards for sheds lol!
MDF is the one to avoid. Hutches and shed cladding is usually made with plywood.

Plain wood boards would be fine to - they are usually pine or spruce. None of the standard woods are what you'd give a bunny eat deliberately but shouldn't cause harm if he has the odd nibble. Look at edging or skirting if you are trying to make a lip.
Has anyone bought a wooden shed from wayfair for rabbits,

Noone knowing an answer is going to find this very specific question hidden here in an old thread with a different topic.

Best start a new thread, with a title like "Wayfair Sheds for rabbits - experiences?" :)