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Rabbits outside


New Kit
I need to put my rabbit outside for a few hours next week so I can put a new shed up for them, how can I keep them warm for a few hours, they will be in there own hutch
If you are in the UK and the rabbits are healthy and mobile, I wouldn't be worried at this time of year.
Are they normally outside? Do they have more space than just the hutch so they can run around?
A dry, draughtless nest area full of hay ought to be more than adequate, plus lots of additional space to keep active in.
If you are in the UK and the rabbits are healthy and mobile, I wouldn't be worried at this time of year.
Are they normally outside? Do they have more space than just the hutch so they can run around?
A dry, draughtless nest area full of hay ought to be more than adequate, plus lots of additional space to keep active in.
They live inside, they do run around the shed but they live in there hutch at night, they will be outside for a few hours