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Rabbit Vaccination Clinic


New Kit
We are holding a Rabbit Vaccination Clinic at our surgery, Ark Veterinary Centre, in Colchester on 18th June 2016.
Vaccination and nail clip will be only £20. No appointment necessary, first come first served basis.
Any queries please call us on 01206 572410

Ark Veterinary Centre
14 Church Lane
We are holding a Rabbit Vaccination Clinic at our surgery, Ark Veterinary Centre, in Colchester on 18th June 2016.
Vaccination and nail clip will be only £20. No appointment necessary, first come first served basis.
Any queries please call us on 01206 572410

Ark Veterinary Centre
14 Church Lane

Is this for the Nobivac Myxo-RHD Vaccine or for the Imported RHD2 Vaccine ? :)
We are holding a Rabbit Vaccination Clinic at our surgery, Ark Veterinary Centre, in Colchester on 18th June 2016.
Vaccination and nail clip will be only £20. No appointment necessary, first come first served basis.
Any queries please call us on 01206 572410

Ark Veterinary Centre
14 Church Lane

Hi there and welcome to RU :wave:

I'm bumping this up so that anyone near you can get in touch for more details.

I am assuming you mean the combi vaccine?
I'd also be interested to know whether this is for the nobivac or for the new imported RHD2 vaccine. I'll be honest I'd be a bit worried about doing a turn-up-without-an-appointment at the moment, as RHD2 has been confirmed very close by within the past couple of weeks, so having lots of bunnies turning up and waiting at the same time isn't necessarily going to be a great thing at the moment :-/
I'd also be interested to know whether this is for the nobivac or for the new imported RHD2 vaccine. I'll be honest I'd be a bit worried about doing a turn-up-without-an-appointment at the moment, as RHD2 has been confirmed very close by within the past couple of weeks, so having lots of bunnies turning up and waiting at the same time isn't necessarily going to be a great thing at the moment :-/

I would never turn up without an appointment anyway. Unfair on the bunnies if there is a long wait and at the end of it, no vaccination. I don't know who would be more disappointed, me or the buns! :)
I'd also be interested to know whether this is for the nobivac or for the new imported RHD2 vaccine. I'll be honest I'd be a bit worried about doing a turn-up-without-an-appointment at the moment, as RHD2 has been confirmed very close by within the past couple of weeks, so having lots of bunnies turning up and waiting at the same time isn't necessarily going to be a great thing at the moment :-/

Yes, at the moment that's how I feel about any situation where-by a lot of Rabbits from various locations are gathered together. There have been too many VHD2 confirmed deaths from different areas within the UK. My Vet is going to come here to do my VHD2 vaccines if I decide to go ahead with it.

Promoting vaccination is obviously a good thing, it's just that with the current VHD2 situation I am not sure that 'open house' vaccination clinics is the way to do it.
I know I'm probably old-fashioned, but I like to have everything done at the vet my rabbits/cats are registered with: their health records are there so they know their history. I wouldn't, in any case, go to a wait your turn appointment. Vet visits are stressful enough as it is without the prospect of a long wait.
The vaccine is the Nobivac Myxo-RHD. We understand that the first come first served basis may not suit everyone, but those who wish to make any appointment are welcome to
The vaccine is the Novibac RHD. Due to the clinic proving popular, we now ask rabbit owners to book an appointment