Rabbit exhibiting destructive behavior

Hello guys,

My rabbit is behaving strangely, it has become more aggressive and the behaviour is become destructive. I'm new to the world of rabbits. Any help will be appreciated
How old is your Rabbit ? What gender and are they neutered ? Once a Rabbit reaches puberty they can develop aggressive behaviours. Neutering is essential for the health and welfare of all Pet Rabbits.

What accommodation are they housed in? Rabbits need access to a lot of space and environmental enrichment 24/7

Rabbits are social animals and need to have a friend of their own kind.

A Rabbit whose welfare needs are all met is far less likely to be aggressive. Rabbits are not aggressive to be nasty, they use the behaviour to show fear, boredom, pain, general frustration and unhappiness.

Can you give us some more information about the bunny and how they live? Aggression can be caused by many things. Destructive behaviour can be caused by frustration, but it can also just be normal bunny behaviour that humans tend to dislike, such as digging and chewing.