Problems finding a rescue bunny near me


Mama Doe
Hi all :wave:

My dear little Bessie bunny will not be with me for much longer as she isn’t very well. I’m dreading the day that I have to let her go. I am also really worried about Jeremy, her partner.

Jeremy bunny will miss her immensely as when he came to live with me last year it was the first time that he had lived with another bunny as he had been on his own for the first 5 years of his life.

I live in Norfolk and have been looking for a girl bunny that needs her forever home but have only come across boys.

Does anyone know of any bunny rescues in the Norfolk/Suffolk area?

This is really breaking my heart for both of them :(
Hi all :wave:

My dear little Bessie bunny will not be with me for much longer as she isn’t very well. I’m dreading the day that I have to let her go. I am also really worried about Jeremy, her partner.

Jeremy bunny will miss her immensely as when he came to live with me last year it was the first time that he had lived with another bunny as he had been on his own for the first 5 years of his life.

I live in Norfolk and have been looking for a girl bunny that needs her forever home but have only come across boys.

Does anyone know of any bunny rescues in the Norfolk/Suffolk area?

This is really breaking my heart for both of them :(

So sad. :cry:
I can't think of anywhere but hopefully someone else will have something useful to offer.
Very confused, as your location says Birmingham.

Just thought - Honeybunnies in Leicester re-home to other parts of the country.
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I’m so sorry you are in this situation :cry: as Babsie said, I’m pretty sure Honeybunmies, and also BARC rehome nationally. Have you tried on rabbit rehome? I would try contacting any rescues near just in case they have anybun in mind suitable.
Thank you both. I moved from Birmingham in February. I got my Jeremy bunny from Fat Fluffs last year and they bonded him with Bessie.

When I joined here I had 7 bunnies and Bessie is the last of the original group.

I shall try your suggestions. There are so many boy bunnies available within Norfolk and Suffolk. I was hoping to find a girl bunny close to Jeremy’s age.

This awful time we find ourselves in has made so many things difficult so that isn’t helping either.
Leicester is 100 miles away from me which may be difficult. I’m not giving up though. It really is so upsetting to lose one of these dear little ones as they are amazing x
I've delivered from Honeybunnies to Norfolk before (near Diss), as well as bunnies from Leeds to Basingstoke :) If you find someone you love, I'm sure I can take a day off or do it on a weekend day :) I've got space to board them for a little while if necessary as well.
I've delivered from Honeybunnies to Norfolk before (near Diss), as well as bunnies from Leeds to Basingstoke :) If you find someone you love, I'm sure I can take a day off or do it on a weekend day :) I've got space to board them for a little while if necessary as well.

I've delivered from Honeybunnies to Norfolk before (near Diss), as well as bunnies from Leeds to Basingstoke :) If you find someone you love, I'm sure I can take a day off or do it on a weekend day :) I've got space to board them for a little while if necessary as well.

That’s amazing! My brothers live in Diss which is 17 miles from me. Do you have the Honeybunnies website address as for some reason I couldn’t find it yesterday.

I also wanted to put a picture of my two bunnies on as they are really sweet together ��
Hi Keletkezes

I have just spoken to Honey Bunnies and they may have a girl for me. She has been reserved but the person may want a younger bunny that is arriving tomorrow. I’m going to send my details to Honey Bunnies on their Facebook page so that they can see my set up. They also advised that there is a lady in Norwich who bonds bunnies.

I’m stuck between being distressed about Bessie and hopeful for Jeremy.

I’ll have to do the best by both.

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Hi Keletkezes

I have just spoken to Honey Bunnies and they may have a girl for me. She has been reserved but the person may want a younger bunny that is arriving tomorrow. I’m going to send my details to Honey Bunnies on their Facebook page so that they can see my set up. They also advised that there is a lady in Norwich who bonds bunnies.

I’m stuck between being distressed about Bessie and hopeful for Jeremy.

I’ll have to do the best by both.

Have PMed you :)
I've delivered from Honeybunnies to Norfolk before (near Diss), as well as bunnies from Leeds to Basingstoke :) If you find someone you love, I'm sure I can take a day off or do it on a weekend day :) I've got space to board them for a little while if necessary as well.

So kind of you to offer. I’m not sure why I should be surprised - the kindness of some members here is just overwhelming. :love:
Rspca mid Norfolk has lots of rabbits currently - they had a hoarder who signed them all over. Girls and boys.
So kind of you to offer. I’m not sure why I should be surprised - the kindness of some members here is just overwhelming. :love:
Thanks Babsie: I have a car and I don't mind driving long distances, and I'm not busy all the time so it seems daft not to help out! :D