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Post-Neuter/Spaying Bonding Problem! Help!


Young Bun
I have a trio - a male and female previously bonded like husband and wife (about a year old) and a male (their baby) who is almost five months old. The older male was spayed back in November with no problems. The female and baby male were spayed/neutered on Wednesday. I brought them both home on Thursday and set them up in a large playpen like enclosure in our living room so the older male could see them again and the two buns could heal quietly post-op. Today, I tried to let the female out just for a test run to let her stretch her legs and see her husband up close. What a mistake. The male immediately began attacking her and chased her under the couch. The female and baby male are now safely back in the enclosure. And the older male sits by the cage, lays down near the female on the other side of the enclosure, and acts like he wants to be with her again.

I'm at a loss, because the male/female pair were just as close as can be. There was some trouble with the baby and the older male which I hope sorts itself out with the neuter.

Will time heal this? I want my happy bun family back again! :roll:

Happy to report the spaying and neutering went very well and there seem to be no complications. If anyone needs a good rabbit vet in the Hudson Valley New York region, please PM me. These docs couldn't have been nicer.
I think you will have to rebond them all in a neutral space - was the baby with Mum and Dad before? It might have been the female bunny smelled differently having been at the Vets etc. Good luck and let us know how it goes.