Need help finding a good rabbity book please, RU?

Becki xX

Warren Veteran
Two less than useless acquaintances of mine have aquired/will be aquiring baby rabbits each :( I'm gutted as I know they aren't good homes - one is a present for a two y/old and the other is for two slightly older kids.

Therefore, a book seemed a perfect solution. Problem is, I cant find one :shock: Literally just a bit of info on needing hay/exercise etc - or even some leaflets?

Please help me :(
I haven't found any good books I'm afraid :( I bought Rabbits for Dummies, but some of it is what I would perceive to be incorrect information. I haven't looked at it for a while, but I'm pretty sure it says that rabbits don't need vaccinating, and other bits, which I already knew to be untrue!
The RWA leaflets are brilliant. They cover many aspects of bunny ownership.

Just been looking through some of my books so here goes,

When your rabbit needs special care. Traditional and alternative healing methods. Lucile. C. Moore and Kathy Smith. Santa Monica Press.

Rabbitlopaedia. Meg Brown and Virginia Richardson. Ringpress Books.

How to have a relaxed rabbit. Emma Magnus. Pet behavioural centre.

Rabbits for Dummies. Audrey Pavia.

The really useful bunny guide. Carolina James. Kingdon books.

I don't always agree with everything said in the books, but I usually manage to glean some good information out of each of them.

Best of luck.