• Please Note - Medical Advice

    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Myxomatosis Outbreaks 2012/13/14

Hi, I am not a rabbit owner but I work outdoors near Barrow in Furness. The wild rabbits here are coming down very suddenly with Mixomatosis, I'd not seen any with it until a few days ago and now I see a few every day. I wanted to try and let anyone with rabbits in the Furness area know, they are such lovely wee things and it's sad to see them sick.

I echo Jane's views - Thank you
Hi, I am not a rabbit owner but I work outdoors near Barrow in Furness. The wild rabbits here are coming down very suddenly with Mixomatosis, I'd not seen any with it until a few days ago and now I see a few every day. I wanted to try and let anyone with rabbits in the Furness area know, they are such lovely wee things and it's sad to see them sick.

Leanne, I never vaccinate any of my animals. There is no proof that vaccination works. My cats have lived to over 20 years of age and my rabbit 10 years and i have kept rabbits for 20 years. Just keep them clean and sterilise their pens and houses with a mild anti bacterial and be sure to completely remove any bedding let the air in their houses. My rabbits run all day in the garden and in that time the doors of their houses are open to the fresh air.
Leanne, I never vaccinate any of my animals. There is no proof that vaccination works. My cats have lived to over 20 years of age and my rabbit 10 years and i have kept rabbits for 20 years. Just keep them clean and sterilise their pens and houses with a mild anti bacterial and be sure to completely remove any bedding let the air in their houses. My rabbits run all day in the garden and in that time the doors of their houses are open to the fresh air.

Keeping their housing clean will not protect them from myxomatosis or VHD. Myxomatosis is most likely to be contracted through biting insects so the only way to protect is vaccination. I live in an area where myxomatosis is rife, so not vaccinating would be unthinkable for me. Last year one of my rabbits had 'atypical myxomatosis', it was very mild. It would be difficult to prove without doubt that the vaccine saved him but the 'evidence' is good enough for me. As for VHD - well, that's a huge threat at the moment and no amount of vigilance alone will protect from that - it spreads so easily.
Leanne, I never vaccinate any of my animals. There is no proof that vaccination works. My cats have lived to over 20 years of age and my rabbit 10 years and i have kept rabbits for 20 years. Just keep them clean and sterilise their pens and houses with a mild anti bacterial and be sure to completely remove any bedding let the air in their houses. My rabbits run all day in the garden and in that time the doors of their houses are open to the fresh air.

We do know that dogs are over vaccinated but that is most assuredly not the case with rabbits. UP TO NOW you've been lucky. That can't last forever. Myxi is carried by mosquitoes. Sterilising things won't keep them away. RVHD is carried in anything, including the air.
"There is no proof that vaccination works". Really? What about all those scientific studies where unvaccinated animals and vaccinated animals are challenged at the same time with the disease-causing agent and the unvaccinated ones die and the vaccinated ones live? Vaccines wouldn't get licenced if this proof didn't exist.

Personally I have had two of my own rabbits who have contracted nodular myxomatosis. If they hadn't been vaccinated, they would both have contracted full-blown myxomatosis and would most likely have died. Might not be scientific in the same way as the above, but that's proof too.
Just seen what I think is a myxo bunny. :cry:

South wirral. It looks confused and has bloodied eyes.
Just seen what I think is a myxo bunny. :cry:

South wirral. It looks confused and has bloodied eyes.


Lots of vaccinated Rabbits appear to be contracting Myxo this year too. Perhaps the virus has mutated to the point that the vaccine does not give as much protection :cry: But at least vaccinated Rabbits have a chance of recovery, Wildies dont :cry:
Other than my 2, saw 2 other pet bunnies with myxi last week in east yorkshire. Awful awful awful disease
Copying this post from General Chat

Hi everyone,

Just letting everyone know there is Myxi in Pontefract.

My son picked up a wild rabbit yest, blind and covered in lumps. Took it to the vet, he comfirmed it to be myxi and said the best thing would be to stop it suffering any more and he put the poor little thing to sleep.

So be aware of your buns health.

Rach x
My vet just posted that they have seen several cases of myxomatosis on Facebook. They will be around the Dereham, Norfolk area as that's where the practice is based.

Anyone near me or the area - please be aware and keep your buns safe!
Staffordshire area. Took misty for her jabs and the vet said it's going round, but even with the jab is still catchable. D:
Very close to me too! I don't have bunnies any more but I still worry for everybody else :(

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