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Morse’s Brother Barnaby

They are both cute, though Morse is better looking. Do they have different shaped ears, or is it the haircut?
Does Barnaby get the digestive issues Morse had a few weeks ago?
They are both cute, though Morse is better looking. Do they have different shaped ears, or is it the haircut?
Does Barnaby get the digestive issues Morse had a few weeks ago?
The ear shapes look different due to how they are clipped

AFAIK Barnaby does not have any digestive problems. He did nearly die due to sepsis in January though 😢 He was very ill for 5 days before he finally pulled through.

I only heard about it yesterday. I don’t know where the family who have Barnaby live, but we keep in touch via email once or twice a year.
I agree it's lovely to keep in touch with Barnaby's family. I can actually see that they have a similar look to their face in these pics. I haven't been able to see it previously. As you say, a lot will also depend on grooming.
I clip Morse’s ear fur to the shape of his ears as if the fur is too long it gets into his meals as he eats ! It’s enough work keying his muzzle fur clean. He does help out a bit with that by rubbing his face into a blanket as soon as he’s finished eating. I then comb out any remaining food once it’s dried.
Cute boys, both of them 🥰

Aww...I often wish I could've found Jenna's siblings. All I have to do is Google "chorkie" and there's at least half a dozen doppelgangers of her. It's at once heartwarming and depressing.

Looking at possibly having to give in and trim Ebon soon...not only does she like to wear her food and growls if I attempt to comb it out ("Hey! I was saving that for later!!) but the weather is getting warmer and even at 70 F she's suffering from the heat in her Alaskan level undercoat. 😔