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You might as well. It's a big bag, same sort of size as a 10-15kg sack of feed.

It is still easily available. I use it as it is the most economical, very absorbent and the smell doesn't bother me. I haven't found it that strong but I leave the bag open to air it out.
I always buy 85L sacks from the local horse feed merchant. I've never found that Megazorb has an unpleasant smell but I do leave the sack open to breathe in the shed.
I switched from megazorb to fitch because of the smell.
Won't be going back unless Fitch properly run out
I've tried lots of different substrates (Carefresh, shavings, Aubiose, compressed wood pellets, Hemcore, newspaper/hay, incontinence/puppy pads etc) and Megazorb is by far the most absorbant IMO. Plus it's readily available from most horse feed merchants. I've honestly never experienced a nasty pong from the sack :?. It can be a bit dusty but I always cover it with hay anyway. I don't understand how it can pong - it's just wood pulp :?.
I've never had any problems with smell from it either; like Mackers said it's just wood pulp and is a by-product from the paper-making industry if I remember rightly? so I'm not sure why it would whiff. :?

It's so economical and very absorbant; it comes in big sacks because it's sold as horse bedding and it'll last absolutely ages. I don't use it for the rabbits any more purely because I was trying to cut costs so I just use lots of newspaper instead (free from OH's work and my next door neighbours :D ) but I still use it in the hamster and gerbil cages.
I never had a problem with megazorb, until the last bag I got which smelled disgusting :/ I think I'll still keep buying it though as I saw a response from them saying it was just a bad batch. I can get it really easily and cheaply, whereas 20kg Fitch seems to have been out of stock for ages! The smell's not noticeable in the bunny shed, it's just I also use it in my hamster cage in our lounge!
I use megazorb in the litter trays and for my hamsters cage - I always buy big bags like this (£6 from local feed place) and it lasts about a month - 6 weeks! I haven't had isssues with smell from the bag until this week! Cleaned the hamster out on sunday and thought we'd stepped in cat poo in the garden, then realised it was the megazorb, its awful!!! Then last night I had the rabbits in the house and there was ahorrible smell every now and then as Rupert was running about, I was about to phone the vet to take R&T down to be checked cos I thought they had major issues (even tho I kept sniffing their bums and couldn't smell it) then I thought omg I haven't seen domino today so woke him up in a panic, then remembered its the megazorb smell... it smells like rotten manure :(