Max, Winston, Jamima and Sooty - UD 20 May


Wise Old Thumper
Well after much uming and ahing i decided on Saturday to try Max with Sooty, Winston and Jamima, they have now been together since then and it seems to be going ok, Max has taken a particular shine to Sooty but Sooty isn't quite so kean, Jamima is staying out of the way and Winston is objecting ever so slightly, theres been no major fights just some chasing and bit of fur pulling, winston and max did have a little scrap this morning but again just a bit of flying fur. So i could do with fingers crossed that it continues to go quite peacefully and that i won't have to split Max away from them. :D
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good luck....:)
is it a foursome or 2 pairs?

Winston, Jamima and Sooty were a three, and Max was a singleton, Sooty origonally lived with Tara but when she died i tried him with winston and Jam and they bonded easily enough, tooka couple of weeks for them to settle but they get along well, Sooty however does get left out a bit by Jam and Winston. Max has taken a real shine to Sooty and keeps trying to go over and nudge his head but every time sooty runs away, thers no fighting at all between those two, Jamima is staying out of it atm. winston is objecting but not enough to make me give up yet, and Max just thinks the whole thing and fantastic and is running about binkying and chining everything
sounds good and you have your hands full.......:lol:
i hope it all stays good and sending vibes. :)
could we have pics? :)
sounds good and you have your hands full.......:lol:
i hope it all stays good and sending vibes. :)
could we have pics? :)

I took a couple yesterday and will try and get a couple more later on and upload them tomorrow. I feel sorry for Sooty though fending off the advances of Max!
Well all still seems ok, Sooty is definatly more comfortable with Max than Jamima and Winston are, Jam will at least come down off the shelf for food and water, Winston won't, he has food and water on the shelf so he won't starve and although he is a little quieter than normal he's ok, i've just given them a load of carots, cabbage leaves and food to keep them going through the night. I know that Winston is eating as he's not letting Sooty or Max up on the shelf, he's only letting Jamima up there and all the hay is gone and the cabbage leaves and although Jam can be gready she won't have eaten all of it.
So we'll just see how it goes, i doubt that it will end in disaster, if they were going to have a fight it would have happened by now. I have got a picture of Jam, Sooty and Max all round the food bowls tonight, still fingers crossed though!
Still ok this morning, i gave them all their Hay before i left the house and Winston tucked straight in so i am a little calmer about it all now, i was getting a little worried last night as i hadn't seen him eat and Winston will usually eat out of your hand, but all ok, munching away this am! :D
oh takes alot longer for them to settle when theres more than 2. when i bonded my trio it seemed ages till they were all properly friends. unlike when i did bunny and miffy it was alot quicker.
sounds good tho! :D
Yep i've always found 2 doesn't take long at all but more than 2 and you can be looking at weeks for it all to settle down.
well just a quick update, Winston and jam had stopped defending their shelf yesterday but were back on it this morning. Everyone is eating and pooping ok, Winston is still a little quieter than usual, but he is or was the dominant bun in the threesome until max was introduced and that dinamic is now changing. their still chasing but it's just fur pulling, no one has any cuts or sore bits and max still thinks this is the best thing in the world. Sooty is a little nervous of Max but he has accepted him without question, and this is working in sootys favour as in the three he was the last to eat now he's second to get the food behind Max.
All of them have had a lie down and a stretch so are starting to relax in each others company, Max even groomed Sooty's head last night :love: so on we continue, we will see how their going by saturday.