Just when you think it is all going to plan...


Warren Scout
Adelaide and Quinn have been bonded for something like a month and a half, two months now? There was a bit of fur pulling here and there and he's hormonal enough that he's been spraying but they have been inseparable. Just last week she went to the vets for her vaccine and him for a microchip and they were snogging in the carrier.

I came home from work Tuesday evening to find carnage. We can only assume a mount turned into something more like bucking bronco. A full scale fight ensued, and although they made up Adelaide ended up with a deep bite on her back.

The vet saw her today and there's no infection but she has subcutaneous emphysema and the tiny access hole needed a tiny staple to close it up.

Quinn's immediate response was to groom it. He groomed the wound earlier in the day, three times in the waiting room and once on the way home, so unfortunately and infuriatingly I had to take the vet's advice to separate them so he can't overgroom it or, even worse, try to pull the staple out.

They are next to each other and can interact. Just need fingers, toes etc crossed that they'll introduce back together easily when its ok to and my anxiety levels have shot through the roof.

It's an awkward situation because I left them together after the fight (they pulled a little bit of fur here and there but were otherwise chill) and it would be best for the bond for them to be together, but if he's going to insist on focusing the wound, and especially if he decides to pull the staple, he could end up getting her wrath if he hurts her doing it or even set back healing/promote infection (she's on antibiotics as a precaution anyway).

I've set my alarm early for tomorrow morning in the hope that maybe I can spend a few hours observing them together before I go, but then would have to separate again while I'm at work (the vet will be shut by the time I get back for a start, so if staple gets pulled I won't be able to deal with it until the next morning). I'm not sure I can let them out for long in the evening though because they don't like my torch.

I really don't want to lose the bond here. I don't think for a moment he meant to hurt her and there's nothing much I can do about his hormones. He's neutered so it's not like I can threaten to cut them off again.

I'm all very sad right now :(
:cry: sorry you are going through this :cry: I think you are doing the right thing. Fingers crossed they go back together fine.
Adelaide and Quinn have been bonded for something like a month and a half, two months now? There was a bit of fur pulling here and there and he's hormonal enough that he's been spraying but they have been inseparable. Just last week she went to the vets for her vaccine and him for a microchip and they were snogging in the carrier.

I came home from work Tuesday evening to find carnage. We can only assume a mount turned into something more like bucking bronco. A full scale fight ensued, and although they made up Adelaide ended up with a deep bite on her back.

The vet saw her today and there's no infection but she has subcutaneous emphysema and the tiny access hole needed a tiny staple to close it up.

Quinn's immediate response was to groom it. He groomed the wound earlier in the day, three times in the waiting room and once on the way home, so unfortunately and infuriatingly I had to take the vet's advice to separate them so he can't overgroom it or, even worse, try to pull the staple out.

They are next to each other and can interact. Just need fingers, toes etc crossed that they'll introduce back together easily when its ok to and my anxiety levels have shot through the roof.

It's an awkward situation because I left them together after the fight (they pulled a little bit of fur here and there but were otherwise chill) and it would be best for the bond for them to be together, but if he's going to insist on focusing the wound, and especially if he decides to pull the staple, he could end up getting her wrath if he hurts her doing it or even set back healing/promote infection (she's on antibiotics as a precaution anyway).

I've set my alarm early for tomorrow morning in the hope that maybe I can spend a few hours observing them together before I go, but then would have to separate again while I'm at work (the vet will be shut by the time I get back for a start, so if staple gets pulled I won't be able to deal with it until the next morning). I'm not sure I can let them out for long in the evening though because they don't like my torch.

I really don't want to lose the bond here. I don't think for a moment he meant to hurt her and there's nothing much I can do about his hormones. He's neutered so it's not like I can threaten to cut them off again.

I'm all very sad right now :(

How long ago was he neutered ? How old is he ?
Female is spayed. Quinn was neutered early June I think (edit- looks like around 30th May), the vet said it could take as long as three months. He's about a year old. I'm not sure why I said two months- I guess it seems longer. I just checked and they came home 20th June, so a month (plus a week for the bonding process).

I let them out for two and a half hours this morning under supervision. They spent a fair amount of it snuggling and kissing. There was some attempt at dominance play (she started it) but after I gave them a poke they just sat and glared at me. While I was observing I realised she did get a decent bite in the other day- he's got a chomp between the toes of his back foot, so back to the vets we went and he's on painkillers and antibiotics as well. Neither of them are good patients.

Had them out again this morning. They were chill eating breakfast (although she did take a break to go into the side he was in, raised her tail, stomped around and chinned all the things before coming back to him). More snuggling, more kissing. It was an hour before all the back nibbling nonsense started up again, including him peeing on her. Rabbits drive me up the wall sometimes.
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