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Warren Veteran
Hello to everyone,
Cookie has been sick since April 1st, we dealt with GI stasis for almost a month and went through ups and downs. He finally got better, pooping good, eating good, everything good.
But there is only one problem; joy. Yes he looks very comfortable but he doesn't binky or flop or zoom. Yes, he still gets excited when he sees food or gets excited about everything, but there are no joy signals such as binky and flop, zoom. This is the first time I see him not binky and flop but I don't understand why. Is this normal after a long illness?
Also we have been having a hard time at home for the last month. I wonder if the energy at home is affecting him too, is this possible?
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Sorry to hear things are hard at home for you. I do think the atmosphere can impact on pets, some being more sensitive than others
i am sorry that Cookie has been unwell. Did he lose a lot of weight as a result ? Was a primary cause for the gut stasisi identified from any diagnostics such as blood tests ? As he has a history of lower respiratory tract infections I assume the Vet has paid particular attention tho his lung function, his heart too. Compromised lung and/or heart function can cause lethargy.

Whilst it is possible that he is picking up on the difficulties at hone, which I am also sorry to hear of, I would want to rule out any physiological problem first. I would advise discussing it all with your Vet.
Sorry to hear things are hard at home for you. I do think the atmosphere can impact on pets, some being more sensitive than others
Thank You dear. I'm worried about this too, I hope it's not related to the atmosphere at home

i am sorry that Cookie has been unwell. Did he lose a lot of weight as a result ? Was a primary cause for the gut stasisi identified from any diagnostics such as blood tests ? As he has a history of lower respiratory tract infections I assume the Vet has paid particular attention tho his lung function, his heart too. Compromised lung and/or heart function can cause lethargy.

Whilst it is possible that he is picking up on the difficulties at hone, which I am also sorry to hear of, I would want to rule out any physiological problem first. I would advise discussing it all with your Vet.
Cookie hasn't lost any weight, his weight remains the same. Obviously no blood test or other test was done, after treatments the situation healed. I found rope poop in Cookie's poop twice, I thought it was due to swallowing fur. Actually, Cookie's sneezing has increased, but his fur is still changing, and he also has chronic irritation in his nose, so it's hard to tell if everything is okay or if he could have an upper respiratory tract infection. I didn't take him to the vet again because I don't have any medical symptoms right now, so I'm a little confused.
I am sorry that Cookie has been unwell. It's tough when there are no actual symptoms, but your feeling is that he still isn't completely back to normal.

I'm also sorry about your situation at home and hope that it resolves soon. Sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs.
Thank You dear. I'm worried about this too, I hope it's not related to the atmosphere at home

Cookie hasn't lost any weight, his weight remains the same. Obviously no blood test or other test was done, after treatments the situation healed. I found rope poop in Cookie's poop twice, I thought it was due to swallowing fur. Actually, Cookie's sneezing has increased, but his fur is still changing, and he also has chronic irritation in his nose, so it's hard to tell if everything is okay or if he could have an upper respiratory tract infection. I didn't take him to the vet again because I don't have any medical symptoms right now, so I'm a little confused.
I think the fact that he is lethargic, ie not as energetic as usual, is enough to get a Vet to check him over again. Not specifically because of stasis symptoms which you say are now resolved, but because he isn’t his usual self. If his lung function or heart function are compromised he won’t have as much energy as usual.

All that said, it could be that he is aware of a different atmosphere in the home and his lethargy isnt a physiological problem.
So sorry to hear about your home situation, and also your worries about Cookie, as others have said maybe a vet visit can put your mind at rest. Sending you hugs and vibes, hope things get better soon xx
I am sorry that Cookie has been unwell. It's tough when there are no actual symptoms, but your feeling is that he still isn't completely back to normal.

I'm also sorry about your situation at home and hope that it resolves soon. Sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs.
Thank You so much 🩷🩷

I think the fact that he is lethargic, ie not as energetic as usual, is enough to get a Vet to check him over again. Not specifically because of stasis symptoms which you say are now resolved, but because he isn’t his usual self. If his lung function or heart function are compromised he won’t have as much energy as usual.

All that said, it could be that he is aware of a different atmosphere in the home and his lethargy isnt a physiological problem.
Hmm maybe I'll monitor it for another 7-10 days, give it time, and if I still don't see any change, I may request detailed blood and imaging tests and examination.
If it's just about the atmosphere at home, how can I make this better for Cookie, how can I make his happy?
So sorry to hear about your home situation, and also your worries about Cookie, as others have said maybe a vet visit can put your mind at rest. Sending you hugs and vibes, hope things get better soon xx
Thankvyou sovmuch 🩷🩷🩷
Thank You so much 🩷🩷

Hmm maybe I'll monitor it for another 7-10 days, give it time, and if I still don't see any change, I may request detailed blood and imaging tests and examination.
If it's just about the atmosphere at home, how can I make this better for Cookie, how can I make his happy?
Well, it will depend on the exact situation which f course I am not expecting you to disclose. But diversion can be a good way to try to deal with behavioural issues caused by stress. Things as simple as an empty cardboard cereal box with a few pellets in it can be an easy toy to make. Only let him have access to cardboard when you can see him though as you don’t want him to be eating it. I have had Bunnies who will spend ages trying to get the pellets out of the box, shoving their heads in the box, chucking the box in the air etc.

Rabbits are naturally curious, so anything new that is safe to investigate should distract him.

Then you could hide some bits of his favourite food in different places and see how many he can sniff out. Once he learns that there might be something tasty hidden he will soon get the idea.

Ideally a companion Rabbit could be the best thing, but for several reasons that might not be an option for some people.
Well, it will depend on the exact situation which f course I am not expecting you to disclose. But diversion can be a good way to try to deal with behavioural issues caused by stress. Things as simple as an empty cardboard cereal box with a few pellets in it can be an easy toy to make. Only let him have access to cardboard when you can see him though as you don’t want him to be eating it. I have had Bunnies who will spend ages trying to get the pellets out of the box, shoving their heads in the box, chucking the box in the air etc.

Rabbits are naturally curious, so anything new that is safe to investigate should distract him.

Then you could hide some bits of his favourite food in different places and see how many he can sniff out. Once he learns that there might be something tasty hidden he will soon get the idea.

Ideally a companion Rabbit could be the best thing, but for several reasons that might not be an option for some people.
These are good ideas, thank you very much for your advice Jane, I was thinking of some fun things too, nice of you to mention this, I hope it helps. Because it looks like there are no problems and he is very comfortable, I hope these work 🩷🩷