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Is this unusual behaviour?


Warren Scout
I own two neutured males. I was using the slow method of bonding, but as Joey hormones hadn't settled fully afetr neuturing I decided to let him settle before starting bonding again as they just kept fighting.

So, started bonding again today. As it's raining out I brought them into the sunroom which is neutral territory. Joey started grooming Adrian within 5mins (no mean feat, Adrian is very furry! :lol:) and they sort of sat side by side, going out to explore then sitting near each other and then grooming themselves.

Adrian seems to lower his head for Joey to groom him, but he then tried to force his head under Joey, so that Joey was on top of him? Joey made a half hearted humping attempt. Then went back and groomed Adrian again.

Why would Adrian try to force himself under Joey? There didn't seem to be any aggression signs.
Mine do this when they want grooming, it's like a 'if I shove my head under enough maybe she/he will clean me'
Joey tried to put his head down for Adrian to groom him, but Adrian just made his go lower! :lol: